with: (accompanying) oor Koerdies

with: (accompanying)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Koerdies

bi... ra; digel; tev

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

keep away from eyas .in case of contact with eyas wash plenty of water . keep away from children. for external use only. flammable
to consult [with]
hi how is life with you brother
kurdish sorani English translate
shriek with laughter
collide with
agreeing [with]; (to consent to)
blessed with beauty
accord (with)
string: (string with coins sewn on it, as womans ornament)


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Direct care for a patient with probable or confirmed COVID-19 disease without using proper personal protective equipment;
Ro Naçe AvaTico19 Tico19
10- 'Solution is Inclusion System in Education for People with Disabilities'
Dirbê klasîkBianet Bianet
With your Bible teacher’s help, prepare a comment that you might make at the next meeting.
Ewana deqekê jî nesekinîn û pişt xweva nezivirîn.jw2019 jw2019
When we are confronted with temptations, our Christlike attitude will move us to push them away.
2. Çi qewimî derbekê çaxê Dawid di baniya mala xweda êvarê hêsa dibû?jw2019 jw2019
3 Life Story —I Have Benefited From Walking With Wise Ones
Sembola dehanejw2019 jw2019
Perspective, that kind of alchemy we humans get to play with, turning anguish into a flower.
Biguherîneted2019 ted2019
What does it mean to work out your own salvation “with fear and trembling”?
Hergê wedekî usa bê ku hûn jî gerekê îda nexebitin ji bo kalbûn-pîrbûnê, bira gotinên Efirandarê me dilê we germ kin: “Nêta kalepîrbûna we jî ez ew im û heta ku porên we sipî bibin, ezê we hilgirim” (Îşaya 46:4).jw2019 jw2019
The Israelites in the wilderness did not view Jehovah’s dealings with them in a spiritual way.
Lê hergê ji bo peyketina em xizmetiya xwe Xwedêra didin sekinandinê, ew yek wê karê neyne.jw2019 jw2019
But having students stay with us was truly a joyous experience.
Çawa zar diçerçirin ji bo wê yekê ku ser temamiya dinyayê emirê malbetê tê guhastin?jw2019 jw2019
The person you spoke with before is not at home, but a relative answers the door.
4. Çi hat serê Qorax û 250 hevalêd wî?jw2019 jw2019
Listen to politicians now, with their comprehensive 12-point plans.
Ji vê rûpêlê destpêdibin elametî û xerîte, yêd ku nîşan dikin rêvîtî û riya çûyîna Îsa wedê dannasînkirinê.ted2019 ted2019
We've done something with the corner of this particular issue of The Guardian.
HEMÛ tiştêd baş ku bal me heye, ji Xwedê ye.ted2019 ted2019
What can we learn from how Hosea dealt with his wife, Gomer?
“Serê Mesîh Xwedê ye”, usa jî çawa “serê jinê mêr e” (1 Korintî 11:3).jw2019 jw2019
Now, at the outset, I want to be very clear that this speech comes with no judgments.
Yên herî zêde têne ecibandinted2019 ted2019
Comparing and contrasting SARS-CoV-2 with the other six HCoVs reveal similarities and differences of great interest.
Mîrê-cina derheqa vê nêtê dişirmîş dibû û xilaziyê ewî gune kir, ewî Hêwa xapand û buxdan avîte Yahowa Xwedê.Tico19 Tico19
What is it that we're afraid that this young man is going to do with this gun?
Û orta Padşatiya Xwedê û qedandina qirara Xwedê çi tevgirêdan heye?ted2019 ted2019
“Follow Jesus With the Right Motive”: (10 min.)
Birahîm di Kenanêda ma û di çadirada dijît.jw2019 jw2019
Amazingly, while we all engage with beauty, without our knowledge, beauty also engages us.
Peyamê di paceyeke & pekane de bide xuyakirinted2019 ted2019
With Oris, my life flourished anew
“Belê, Xwedayê rasteqîn xerabiyê nake û Yê ku hêza wî têra her tiştî dike, ya rast xwar nake”jw2019 jw2019
What is your determination with regard to your ministry?
Lê hergê zar îzinê bidine wan, haqas bikin çiqas ku qewata wan digihîjê, zar wê texmîn kin, wekî çiqas hindik emirê wan kontrol dikin, haqas heleqetiya tevî wan wê baş be.jw2019 jw2019
“Love Identifies True Christians —Rejoice With the Truth”: (15 min.) Discussion.
Cimeta îsraêlî îda gele wext di beriyêda bûn.jw2019 jw2019
My mother had prepared for me some sumac with lemon peels (from Jan Dost)
Mesele, Metelok 13:10-da tê gotinê wekî “serwaxtî cem şîrethildaya ye” çimkî ewana guh didin şîreta.Jiyan Jiyan
It is only by stopping the transmission that the world will be able to deal with it.
Favicon rojane biketed2019 ted2019
With Angela in 1975, before a television interview
Îdî mala Bavê min nekine bazargeh”.jw2019 jw2019
6 Jehovah blessed Judah with peace for the first ten years of Asa’s reign.
KitekitNamejw2019 jw2019
4781 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.