OPEC countries oor Letties

OPEC countries

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OPEC valstis

OPEC countries account for approximately 36% of the EU crude oil imports.
OPEC valstu īpatsvars ES jēlnaftas importā ir apmēram 36 %.

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OPEC countries account for approximately 36% of the EU crude oil imports.
Konsultējieties ar ārstu pirms vadīt transportlīdzekli vai strādāt ar mehānismiemEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Here I am thinking of talks with the OPEC countries and the issue of value added tax.
Tādējādi atbalsta īstenošana tiek atļautaEuroparl8 Europarl8
Energy prices have been very volatile recently due to the ongoing turmoil in some of the OPEC countries.
België/Belgique/Belgien Klanteninformatiedienst voor EXUBERA/EXUBERA-Service-Center/Service Client local EXUBERA Tél/TelEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The largest potential for further oil production expansion is concentrated in the Middle East and OPEC countries, where state-run companies dominate extraction and production.
panta otrajā daļā minēto preču piegādi, ja uz tām vēl attiecas #. pantā minētā iekšējā tranzīta procedūraEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As a result of the recent turmoil and continued unrest in several OPEC countries, together with the Fukushima nuclear plant accident, attitudes towards global climate change negotiations have clearly changed.
Ja Komisija nepiekrīt attiecīgās EBTA valsts nostājai, tad piemēro Nolīguma #. panta #. punktuEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(RO) Mister President, dear colleagues, European dependence on hydrofuels import has increased, oil prices have reached an alarming level and the European Union is increasingly vulnerable to OPEC countries and Russia.
Šai veidlapai jābūt salasāmai, uz tās jābūt kapteiņa parakstam, un ar Eiropas Kopienu Komisijas delegācijas Maputu starpniecību tā jānosūta Mozambikas Tautas Republikas zivsaimniecības valsts sekretāram pēc iespējas drīzāk pēc zvejas posma Mozambikas ūdeņosEuroparl8 Europarl8
Although world oil resources are expected to meet the demand growth, this assumes adequate investment to deal with under-capacity across the oil value chain and implies a more concentrated share in output from OPEC countries.
par Eiropas Jūras drošības aģentūras kontu slēgšanu attiecībā uz #. finanšu gaduEurLex-2 EurLex-2
She welcomes the new generation of 'energy interdependence' clauses in the agreements concluded with non-European producer countries proposed by the Commission as the strategy for Belarus, the countries of the Caspian region and the OPEC countries.
Erbitux var ievadīt pilienveida infūzijā, ar infūzijas sūkni vai ar šļirces sūkninot-set not-set
5.4 We note the figures given in the Communication (15) that Russia, Norway and Algeria account for 85 % of EU natural gas imports and almost 50 % of EU crude oil imports (with OPEC countries supplying 36 % of the latter).
Minētais pārvadātājs nav uzrādījis nekādus atbilstošus pierādījumus, lai kliedētu Francijas paustās bažasEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Calls on the EU to improve an effective dialogue with OPEC and non-OPEC countries, aimed at greater stability of oil prices, more predictability in supplies of finished oil products and payment for oil sales in euros instead of US dollars;
Iepriekšējā pārbaudē Komisija konstatē, ka uz paziņoto darījumu, iespējams, attiecas Regulas (EK) Nr. #/# darbības jomanot-set not-set
Calls on the EU to improve an effective dialogue with OPEC and non‐OPEC countries, aiming at a greater stability of oil prices, more predictability in supplies of finished oil products and payment for oil sales in euros instead of US dollars;
APT A SOLLICITER DES L'ARRIVEE EN FRANCE (ierodoties Francijā, jālūdz pagaidu darba atļaujanot-set not-set
Calls on the Commission, as a matter of urgency, to focus not only on closer cooperation with Russia, but also to step up cooperation with other energy exporters, the CIS and particularly the OPEC countries; welcomes the planned development of an EU-wide energy community;
apzināt un noteikt pamatprasmes, kas vajadzīgas personiskai izaugsmei, pilsoniskai aktivitātei, sociālai kohēzijai un nodarbinātības iespējām zināšanu sabiedrībānot-set not-set
Calls on the Commission, as a matter of urgency, to focus not only on closer cooperation with Russia, but also to step up cooperation with other energy exporters, the CIS and particularly the OPEC countries; welcomes the planned development of an EU-wide energy community
Pēc tam, turot šļirci ar adatu uz augšu, viegli piesitiet tai pa sāniem, lai gaisa burbulīši paceltos tās augšdaļā; tad spiediet šļirces virzuli uz augšu, kamēr viss gaiss no šļirces ir izspiests un tajā paliek tikai Puregon šķīdums (goj4 oj4
The Commission also considers that the current high oil prices stem primarily from a structural change in supply and demand, due to increasing consumption (especially in China and India), shrinking oilfields, the lack of responsiveness on the part of state companies in OPEC countries, the refinery capacity restraints in some countries, the weakening dollar, etc
apstiprinātos uzglabāšanas centros glabātos tikai tāda sperma, kas iegūta savākšanas centros, kas apstiprināti saskaņā ar šo direktīvu, un lai tā nenonāktu saskarē ar citas izcelsmes spermuoj4 oj4
The Commission also considers that the current high oil prices stem primarily from a structural change in supply and demand, due to increasing consumption (especially in China and India), shrinking oilfields, the lack of responsiveness on the part of state companies in OPEC countries, the refinery capacity restraints in some countries, the weakening dollar, etc.
plūstošām vielām no #. grupas, kurām DN pārsniedz # un PS un DN reizinājums pārsniedz # bar (II pielikuma #. tabulaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) recently stated, oil is not an ordinary product but “a strategic asset.”
Pēc tam lietošanas biežumu samazina līdz vienai reizei dienā, līdz bojājumi izzūd (skatīt apakšpunktujw2019 jw2019
Energy relations have also been reinforced with other important energy producers such as OPEC and countries in Latin America and Africa, which are increasing their hydrocarbon output and have the potential to go even further.
Null rindas matricē pie % #: %EurLex-2 EurLex-2
This is a subject for our negotiations as a Union with Russia, the North African countries and OPEC.
Tunzivs zvejas ierobežojumiEuroparl8 Europarl8
Iran ranks second in the world in natural gas reserves and fourth in proven crude oil reserves and is a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
veic pasākumus, kas saistīti ar zinātnisko novērotāju pārvadāšanu un nokļūšanu uz kuģi, lai mazinātu iejaukšanos savākšanas un pētnieciskajās darbībāsEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
One of them is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), whose 11 members collectively possess most of the world’s proven crude-oil reserves. —See the box on page 7.
Padomes #. gada #. maija Regula (EK, Euratom) Nr. #/#, ar ko īsteno Lēmumu #/#/EK, Euratom par Kopienu pašu resursu sistēmu (OV L #, #.#.#., #. lpp.), un jo īpaši tās #. panta #., #. un #. punktsjw2019 jw2019
Without this, without our own deposits, our dependence on the OPEC States and on countries that are not always characterised by democracy would be even greater than it is.
Organiskie peroksīdi, izņemot gadījumus, kad pieejami dati par pretējoEuroparl8 Europarl8
The EU is thus dependent for its oil and gas in particular, on imports from a few countries (such as the OPEC nations or Russia) that have a powerful position on the market
The EU is thus dependent for its oil and gas in particular, on imports from a few countries (such as the OPEC nations or Russia) that have a powerful position on the market.
Ar šo tiek apstiprināts Kopienas finansiālā ieguldījuma piešķīrums #. gadā, lai segtu Beļģijas un Portugāles izdevumus, kas tieši saistīti ar Direktīvas #/#/EK #. panta #. punktā minētajiem nepieciešamajiem pasākumiem, kuri veikti, lai apkarotu kaitīgos organismus, kas minēti šā lēmuma pielikumā uzskaitītajās apkarošanas programmāsEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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