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/zəʊn/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(geography, now rare) Each of the five regions of the earth's surface into which it was divided by climatic differences, namely the torrid zone (between the tropics), two temperate zones (between the tropics and the polar circles), and two frigid zones (within the polar circles).

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When we make such sacrifices and serve God in a way that takes us out of our comfort zone, we prove ourselves faithful.
яг л энэ гэрэл шиг зүйл байсан.jw2019 jw2019
Volunteering at Wallkill, they say: “If you have the courage to step out of your comfort zone, you will have an opportunity to see Jehovah’s spirit at work.”
Анхны хотуудын түүхүүд рүү харлаа.jw2019 jw2019
I only realized we weren't there to document the event when the three of them got back into the armored Jeep and drove away, waving and laughing, leaving me behind in the open air strike zone.
Энэ зарчим нь байсан юм.ted2019 ted2019
What is the “zone of life,” or biosphere?
Тэгээд зөв газраа тэдгээр ньjw2019 jw2019
If none of these ward leaders are available, full-time missionary district or zone leaders may plan and conduct the services with the approval of the mission president.
Энэ хэдэн энгийн үгсLDS LDS
* Try things that take you a little out of your comfort zone, like new jobs, extracurricular activities, or unfamiliar classes.
Бичлэг хийхэд аюулгүй байдлын хувьд зөвхөн нууц дурангаар ч зогсохгүй.LDS LDS
Engaging in a new feature of the work, perhaps one outside our comfort zone, helps us to build trust and faith in Jehovah, leading to greater spirituality. —Read 2 Corinthians 12:9, 10.
мэдээллийнхэрэгслүүд, хүч чадал, мөнгөтэй холбоотой байсан.jw2019 jw2019
“In zone conferences, which are some of the greatest teaching moments we as General Authorities have with these young elders and sisters, I have asked missionaries what it is they want investigators to do as a result of their discussions with them.
Энэ бол зүгээр ч нэг үгийн тухай биш.LDS LDS
They later served as zone leaders, as an assistant to the mission president, and even as a branch president.
Хүний оюун ухаан минутанд сая сая ширхэг мэдээлэлLDS LDS
Each missionary in the zone was blindfolded, and we were told that we were to follow a path leading to the cultural hall.
илүүтэйгээр өөртөө итгэлтэй болсон байна.LDS LDS
Look to the scriptures and conference talks, your district and zone leaders, and this booklet for help.
Уучлаарай, би өөр сандал авч болох уу?LDS LDS
* Share, explain, and talk through your feelings with your companion, district leader, zone leader, or sister training leader.
зөв газарт нь хүмүүсийн амийг аврахLDS LDS
In 1964, I was given the privilege to visit other countries as a zone overseer.
Эдгээр нь дэлхийн хөрөнгийн шүүлтүүр болон юүлүүр болсон газрууд.jw2019 jw2019
That’s a good reason to step outside your comfort zone and do something, even if you’re shy.
Тэд төхөөрөмжийг оролдон,LDS LDS
The Governing Body’s concern was evident when two zone overseers from world headquarters traveled to the disaster area to offer encouragement.
Эдгээр уулзалтуудыг бичиж авна гэдэгjw2019 jw2019
Friends and family of mine who were in the zone of total eclipse described how light was replaced by darkness, the stars appeared, and birds quit singing.
Энэ нь тэвчээр хатуужил.LDS LDS
You leave your comfort zone, have an experience that transforms you, and then you recover and do it again.
Бассем мөн Египетэд байсан ба Доад хандан:ted2019 ted2019
Her hysterical shouts persisted until we passed through that zone of turbulence to a safe landing.
Би таны 50 долларын зургийн камерыг 1000 долларынх боллоо.LDS LDS
Leaving Comfort Zone
Тэр надад энэ зургийг явуулсан.LDS LDS
I'll meet you at the Red Zone.
дэс дараалалгүй болсон энэ үедted2019 ted2019
He urged his disciples to keep on the watch and to get out of the danger zone.
эрчим хүчний салбарууд орно.jw2019 jw2019
Virtually our whole senior class in a matter of weeks was on its way to the war zone.
Ихэнх хүмүүсийн мэддэггүй зүйл болLDS LDS
During the more than 30 years in Nigeria, I enjoyed serving occasionally as a traveling overseer and as a zone overseer in West Africa.
Европын бүх улс шигjw2019 jw2019
At the zone conference the next day, President Rust’s talk was beautiful and heartfelt.
Энэ оригами надад тун таалагдаж байна.LDS LDS
Bad zoning, but... " ( Laughter )
Тэр цагаас хойш манайхан Сүмийн түүхэнд онцгой байр эзэлдэг тэрхүү нутаг болох Ютад амьдарч, ууланд явганаар аялан, нар жаргах үеэр хашаандаа шорлог шарж, хавчуургатай талхыг төрөл төрлөөр нь (хамгийн сайхан амттайг ч, хамгийн амтгүйг ч ) амтархан идэж, Каугар болон Ютесд хөл бөмбөгийн тоглолт үзэн, энд амьдрахын баяр баяслыг мэдэрч байгаа билээ.QED QED
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