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/ɪntrə'djus/ Verb, werkwoord
(transitive, of people) To cause (someone) to be acquainted (with someone else).

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29. printed matter, including free publicity material, as provided for by the customs legislation of each Party, introduced into or supplied in the territory of one Party and taken on board for use on outbound aircraft of an air carrier of the other Party engaged in international air transportation, even when these stores are to be used on a part of the journey performed over the territory of the Party in which they are taken on board.
F'dan ir-rigward hija ssostni li, bit-talba ta' informazzjoni, il-Kummissjoni teżerċita verifika ex-post indipendentement mis-sitwazzjoni inizjaliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The Commission has introduced new training and guidance in 2011 to improve project design, which it considers largely meet the concerns of the Court.
Din id-Direttiva m’għandhiex tapplika għal negozjati pre-kuntrattwali, lanqas għal proċessi ta’ natura aġġudikatorja bħal ċerti skemi ġudizzjarji ta’ konċiljazzjoni, skemi ta’ tressiq ta’ ilmenti konsumeristiċi, għall-arbitraġġ u għal determinazzjoni minn esperti jew għal proċessi amministrati minn persuni jew korpi li jemettu rakkomandazzjoni formali, kemm jekk tkun torbot legalment kif ukoll jekk le fir-rigward tar-riżoluzzjoni tad-disputaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
( 16 ) It should be noted that the principle of a single international filing nonetheless based on the registration of a trade mark in the country of origin was introduced by the Madrid Agreement of 14 April 1891 and by the Madrid Protocol of 27 June 1989 on international marks.
għandha tkun tollerata kwantità ta’ fibri estraneji sa # % tal-piż totali tal-prodott tat-tessut, sakemm dik il-kwantità tkun ġustifikata fuq bażi teknika u ma tkunx miżjuda bħala materja ta’ rutina; din it-tolleranza għandha tiżdied sa # % fil-każ ta’ prodotti li jkunu għaddew minn proċess ta’ tqardix u għandha tkun mingħajr preġudizzju għat-tolleranza li hemm referenza għaliha fl-ArtikoluEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Member States which apply or introduce a system of road user charges to motor vehicles using commercial gas oil as defined in paragraph #, may apply a reduced rate to such gas oil that goes below the national level of taxation in force on # January #, as long as the overall tax burden remains broadly equivalent, and provided that the Community minimum level applicable to gas oil is observed
Barra minn hekk, jekk fil-waqt li tiġi ppreżentata l-applikazzjoni, ma jistax jiġi kkonfermat minnufih li l-marki tas-swaba’ inġabru fil-perijodu speċifikat fl-ewwel subparagrafu, l-applikant jista’ jitlob li jinġabruoj4 oj4
In accordance with the second paragraph of Article # of Regulation (EC) No #/# the Commission has asked the Registry to introduce certain domain names directly under TLD for use by the Community institutions and bodies
Min-naħa l-oħra, il-kwistjoni hi marbuta wkoll mal-għażla tal-konsumaturoj4 oj4
The Greek Government maintains that Article 18 of the basic regulation introduces a presumption designed to assist the EU institutions in the conduct of the anti-circumvention investigation, to the effect that, in the absence of cooperation from the parties concerned, the EU institutions may classify the change in the pattern of trade which ensued immediately after the anti-dumping duty was imposed as circumvention, unless the interested parties adduce proof to the contrary.
L-istituzzjoni għandha tibqa' tiġi meqjusa bħala istituzzjoni ta' kreditu għall-finijiet tar-rekwiżiti tar-riżervi minimi tal-BĊEEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In 2012, the Scientific Council introduced, on a pilot basis, the Synergy Grants, addressed to small groups of Principal Investigators and their teams.
Il-preparazzjoni speċifikata fl-Anness, li tifforma parti mill-kategorija ta′ addittivi ′addittivi żootekniċi′ u mill-grupp funzjonali stabilizzanti għall-batterja li tinsab fil-musrana, hija awtorizzata bħala addittiv fl-għalf tal-annimali suġġett għall-kundizzjonijiet stipulati f'dan l-AnnessEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Although, and I shall return to this, Directive 2007/44 introduces the exhaustive harmonisation of the assessment criteria, by contrast it does not introduce exhaustive harmonisation of the assessment procedure.
Din l-informazzjoni tista' titqassam permezz tal-internet, fuq il-karta u permezz tal-midja elettronika, eċċEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In line with the Union's commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, this Programme will contribute to mainstreaming climate action and sustainable development in the Union's policies and to the achievement of an overall target of 25% of the Union budget expenditure supporting climate objectives over the period covered by the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework, and an annual target of 30 % to be introduced as quickly as possible, and at the latest in 2027.
Jekk it-tabib tiegħek ta riċetta għal Efexor depot lil pazjent taħt it-# il-sena u inti trid tiddiskuti dan, jekk jogħġbok mur lura għand it-tabib tiegħeknot-set not-set
The scheme was introduced in # in order to support the generation of electricity from renewable sources and combined heat and power generation in Slovenia and to secure a reliable supply of energy from indigenous sources
L-aċċettazzjoni ta' donazzjonijiet ta' valur ta' # Euro jew aktar li jinvolvu ħlas finanzjarju, inkluż spejjeż ta' segwitu, li jaqbżu l-# % tal-valur tad-donazzjoni mogħtija, għandha tkun soġġetta għall-awtorizzazzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill, li t-tnejn għandhom jaġixxu fuq din il-kwistjonifi żmien xahrejn mid-data minn meta jirċievu t-talba mill-Kummissjonioj4 oj4
In view of the safeguards provided by this Directive for the protection of those objectives, Member States would no longer need to introduce or maintain other restrictions for their achievement, subject to Articles 30 and 296 of the Treaty.
Kontra-indikazzjonijietEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It would set targets for social investments to be made by Member States in order to meet the employment, social and education objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy; the Social Investment Pact should also be complemented with an Employment and Social policy scoreboard to be introduced in line with article 148 TFEU and under the responsibility of EPSCO in order to detect employment and social imbalances that could threaten the stability of the Economic and Monetary Union;
Tiffjorixxi b'mod konsistentiEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The overall framework of EPCIP would thereby be addressed by a non-binding instrument, while a few key requirements concerning ECI would be introduced through binding measures.
wara li kkunsidra l-Artikolu # u l-Artikoli # u # tat-Trattat KE, skond liema Artikoli l-Kummissjoni ppreżentat il-proposta lill-Parlament (CEurLex-2 EurLex-2
(4) It is necessary that countries or parts thereof from which Member States are authorised to import live fish, their eggs and gametes for farming, must apply conditions for disease control, and monitoring at least equivalent to Community standards as laid down in Directive 91/67/EEC and in Council Directive 93/53/EC of 24 June 1993 introducing minimum Community measures for the control of certain fish diseases(3), as last amended by Commission Decision 2001/288/EC(4).
Registration shall be introduced by Commission regulation.
Determinazzjoni taEurlex2018q4 Eurlex2018q4
It was already included under Article 9(3), second sub-paragraph, of the original EED, according to which the deadline for introducing sub-metering was 31 December 2016.
Il-Qorti Ewropea tal-Awdituri tinfurmak li r-Rapport Speċjali Nru #/# L-effiċjenza u l-effikaċja tal-attivitajiet tas-selezzjoni tal-persunal imwettqa mill-Uffiċċju Ewropew għas-Selezzjoni tal-Persunal għadu kif ġie ppubblikatEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
(19) The so-called ‘medico-legal’ exposures introduced in Directive 97/43/Euratom have now been clearly identified as the deliberate exposure of individuals for other than medical purposes, or ‘non-medical imaging exposures’.
Japprova l-proposta għal regolament tal-Kunsill kif emendata u japprova l-konklużjoni tal-ftehimanot-set not-set
(14) There is a need to introduce an effective instrument to establish harmonised regulatory technical standards in financial services to ensure, also through a single rulebook, a level playing field and an adequate protection of depositors, investors and consumers across Europe.
If the Swiss domestic reference price is lower than the Community's domestic reference price, the Community may introduce the price compensation measures as laid down in Article 2 that is the levying of agricultural components upon import, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1460/96 as subsequently amended.
Kumment preliminariEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Points out that it rejected as too complex the system of rotating voting rights applicable to decisions of the Governing Council as adopted in 2003; considers, with a view to future enlargements of the euro zone, that a system should be introduced which combines fairness and effectiveness; recalls its resolution calling for an ECB board of nine members, which would be in charge of monetary policy, thus replacing the cumbersome system existing now and avoiding the even more complex solution decided upon for the future; urges that the Treaty be changed accordingly;
Whereas some Member States offer depositors cover for their deposits which is higher than the harmonized minimum guarantee level provided for in this Directive; whereas it does not seem appropriate to require that such schemes, certain of which have been introduced only recently pursuant to recommendation 87/63/EEC, be amended on this point;
Daqs tal-pakkettEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Introducing new and amending current restrictions
Għaġin mhux imsajjar, mhux mimli jew preparat b’xi mod ieħorEurLex-2 EurLex-2
As the Commission pointed out, in the judgment of 27 June 2013, Malaysia Dairy Industries (C‐320/12, EU:C:2013:435) that recital was interpreted rather restrictively, whereby it is limited to the grounds laid down in the directive itself and there was no interpretation of what is meant by the phrase ‘maintain or introduce ... for which there is no provision of approximation’.
L-attivitajietEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Parties opting for a settlement procedure must introduce a formal request to settle in the form of a settlement submission.
M’ għandekx għalfejn tpoġġi lura l-għatu tal-labra fuq siringi użati. • Żomm siringi użati fejn ma jintlaħqux u ma jidhrux mit-tfal. • Is-siringi użati għandhom jintremew kif jitolbu l-liġijiet lokaliEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The second line of support (Article 7), introduces measures to assist local agricultural products in general, thus having a wider scope than Article 3.
Kuljum (mg ta ’ melħEurLex-2 EurLex-2
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