illegitimacy oor Kroaties


The state or condition of being illegitimate

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Kroaties








His entire claim to the throne rests on the illegitimacy of yours.
Njegovo pravo na prijestolje se zasniva na nezakonitosti vašeg.

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For illegitimacy and ignorance to be married to a respectable, intelligent farmer?
Udajom za ugledna i pametna seljaka?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For example, some say that the virgin birth was a cover-up for Jesus’ illegitimacy.
Naprimjer, neki kažu da je rođenje po djevici bilo zataškivanje Isusovog vanbračnog rođenja.jw2019 jw2019
"And then to realize that your only grandchild was doomed to illegitimacy"" Be quiet."
A zatim spoznaja da je vaš jedini unuk osuñen na to da bude nezakoniti - Šutite.Literature Literature
In addition, condoms are routinely handed out in a futile effort to stem the epidemic of AIDS and of skyrocketing illegitimacy.
Pored toga, prezervativi se rutinski dijele u uzaludnom naporu da se obuzda epidemija AIDS-a i vrtoglavi porast vanbračne djece.jw2019 jw2019
There can be no question of illegitimacy
Ne smije da se postavi pitanje nezakonitostiopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The reasons for its legitimacy in terms of its legal basis would, paradoxically, be the reasons for its illegitimacy in terms of proportionality.
Razlozi njene potvrde u smislu pravne osnove paradoksalno bi bili razlozi njenog odbijanja u smislu proporcionalnosti.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I come here today, four years later... to report on the illegitimacy of Agent Mulder's work.
Dolazim danas ovamo, nakon 4 godine, izvijestiti o nezakonitosti rada agenta Muldera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I come here today, four years Iater, to report on the illegitimacy of Agent Mulder' s work
Danas sam ovdje, četiri godine kasnije, da bih izvijestila o nezakonitostima u poslovima agenta Mulderaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
12 Christians do not react merely out of fear of disease or illegitimacy.
12 Kršćani se ne drže visokih moralnih mjerila samo zbog straha od bolesti ili izvanbračne trudnoće.jw2019 jw2019
She was so terrified that her daughter would bear the stigma of illegitimacy...... she changed her name and contracted a disfiguring disease
Toliko se užasavala da će joj žensko dijete ostati kopile, da je promenila prezime, a u međuvremenu je zakačila neku zarazuopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
The Chicago Tribune stated: “Societal illness includes mindless violence, child abuse, divorce, drunkenness, AIDS, teen-age suicide, drugs, street gangs, rape, illegitimacy, abortion, pornography, . . . lying, cheating, political corruption . . .
U Chicago Tribuneu navedeno je: “Bolesno stanje društva očituje se u suludom nasilju, zlostavljanju djece, razvodima, opijanju, AIDS-u, samoubojstvima među tinejdžerima, zloupotrebi droge, uličnim bandama, silovanjima, nezakonitim postupcima, abortusima, pornografiji, (...) laganju, varanju, korupciji u političkim krugovima (...).jw2019 jw2019
I come here today, four years later, to report on the illegitimacy of Agent Mulder's work.
Danas sam ovdje, četiri godine kasnije, da bih izvijestila o nezakonitostima u poslovima agenta Muldera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His entire claim to the throne rests on the illegitimacy of yours.
Njegovo pravo na prijestolje se zasniva na nezakonitosti vašeg.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The third ground of appeal complains of the illegitimacy of a decision that refers to time-barred facts concerning events in the Netherlands, as well as the lack of congruence between the findings of the General Court in the grounds of its judgment and those in its operative part.
Trećim žalbenim razlogom prigovara se nezakonitosti deklaratorne odluke o složenoj povredi počinjenoj u Nizozemskoj koja se odnosi na činjenična stanja za koja je nastupila zastara te nepodudarnosti utvrđenja Općeg suda u obrazloženju u odnosu na izreku presude.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
If Parliament follows the Russell Committee's report on Illegitimacy and Inheritance, that could change.
Ali mogao bi se promijeniti zakon o izvanbračnosti i nasljeđivanju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Law also lessened the problem of illegitimacy.
Zakon je umanjio i problem nezakonitosti.jw2019 jw2019
We hoped by declaring their illegitimacy, that they would lose their power, but people still support them.
Nadali smo se da će izgubiti moć, nakon što ih oglasimo nezakonitim, ali ljudi ih još podržavaju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Certainly, even without the lack of that effect, the vast majority of the Croatians would strongly reject the “Platform policies as illegitimate, but this way, its illegitimacy was seen by the Croats in BH in the synergy with direct social and economic exploitation.
Nedvojbeno je da bi i bez tog izostanka izrazito većinski dio Hrvata odlučno odbacio platformašku politiku kao nelegitimnu, ali je ovako njena nelegitimnost među Hrvatima u BiH doživljena u sinergiji sa izravnim socijalnim i gospodarskim izrabljivanjem.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Users on Reddit contacted the customer support via phone and got further confirmations about its illegitimacy.
Korisnici na Redditu kontaktirali su službu za korisnike i telefonski dobili daljnju potvrdu oko lažnosti te poruke.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
They tend to use the insufficiencies inherent in the Election Law as a cover to disguise their own illegitimacy within the political community they quasi-represent.
Nedorečenost i manjkavost Izbornog zakona žele iskoristiti kao paravan za prikrivanje vlastite nelegitimnosti unutar političke zajednice koju navodno predstavljaju.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Those who are truly, within themselves, at all points of development, trying to seek greater knowledge, will not be blocked by any ideas relating to illegitimacy as you refer to it.
Oni koji iskreno, unutar sebe, u svim točkama razvoja, pokušaju tražiti veće znanje, neće biti blokirani bilo kojim idejama vezanim za nelegitimnost kako vi to shvaćate.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
So I would say the ethnic problems were a product of the illegitimacy of the system.
Ja bih rekla da su međunacionalni problemi proizišli iz nelegitimnosti sistema.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
When imposing compensation, it is necessary first of all to establish signs of illegitimacy.
Prilikom nametanja naknade, prije svega je potrebno utvrditi znakove nelegitimnosti.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Revolutionaries past, recognizing that illegitimacy of most accumulations of wealth, sought to sweep the slate clean through confiscation and redistribution.
Prepoznajući tu nelegitimnost većine akumulacija bogatstva, revolucionari u prošlosti pazili su da srede račune putem konfiskacije i redistribucije.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Moreover, the model of discipline in the homes has changed, with the complete breakdown of the family (in my hospital, were it not for the Indian immigrants, the illegitimacy rate of children born there would be 100 per cent).
Štoviše, zbog potpunog raspada obitelji promijenio se model discipliniranja kod kuće(u mojoj bolnici, da nema indijskih imigranata, stopa vanbračne djece bi bila 100 posto).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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