eye oor Abkasies


/aɪ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
To look at someone or something as if with the intent to do something with that person or thing.

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What does it mean to keep a focused eye, and how can you maintain such an outlook?
Иаанагозеи абла цқьаны ахьчара, насгьы ишԥаулшо уара уи аҟаҵара?
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One is the eye, so superbly designed that no camera can duplicate it.
Ала — урҭ рахьынтә иҟоу акоуп, убасҟак иссирӡаны еиқәршәоуп, камерак иара иузаҿырҧшуам.



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(UK, colloquial) the comedic magazine Private Eye.

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Your eyes will be opened and you will be like God. —Gen.
Шәылақәа [аатуеит], насгьы Анцәа иеиԥш... [шәҟалоит] (Аҟаз.jw2019 jw2019
Then we will learn how we can clearly see Jehovah’s hand in our life through our eyes of faith.
Иара убас еилаҳкаауеит агәрахаҵара ҳаԥсҭазаараҿы Иегова инапы абара еиҳа еиӷьны ишҳацхраауа.jw2019 jw2019
17 We may imagine Esther saying a silent prayer to her God before uttering these words: “If I have found favor in your eyes, O king, and if to the king it does seem good, let there be given me my own soul at my petition and my people at my request.”
17 Ҳхаҿы иааҳгар ҳалшоит Есфирь гәаныла иааркьаҿны Анцәа дышиҳәаз, анаҩс лара илҳәеит: «Сара уара уҿаԥхьа ҳаҭыр сықәзар, аҳ, насгьы аҳ игәаԥхара иаҵанакуазар, сара сыҳәарала сыԥсҭазаара сыҭазааит ҳамҭас, насгьы сыҳәарала — сара сыжәлар» (Есф.jw2019 jw2019
How does the eye compare to man-made instruments?
Алақәеи ауаа ирхәыцыз аппаратқәеи реиҿырҧшра иаҳдырбозеи?jw2019 jw2019
How does Satan use “the desire of the eyes”?
Ихы ишԥаирхәо Аҩсҭаа «аблақәа зызгәышьуа»?jw2019 jw2019
His eyes gleam with pleasure as he tells you how much he values these letters and how the advice they contain has changed his life and could help you.
Урҭ асаламшәҟәқәа иара иаб иҟынтә иоухьан: акы акыршықәса раԥхьа иара данқәыԥшыз, егьи ааскьа.jw2019 jw2019
Being clean in God’s eyes touches all aspects of our lives.
Анцәа игәаанагарала, иахьабалак уцқьазароуп.jw2019 jw2019
When Saul gets up and opens his eyes, he can’t see a thing.
Савл дҩагылоит, иблақәа ааиртуеит — аха акгьы ибом.jw2019 jw2019
“The eyes of the blind will be opened.” —Isaiah 35:5
«Иаахтышт алашәцәа рыблақәа» (Исаиа [Исаия] 35:5)jw2019 jw2019
In her few moments with him, she again felt warmed by the kindness in his eyes, the keen empathy that was always so encouraging.
Лара иаразнак лгәы арԥхеит қьиарала иҭәыз иҿаԥшылара, насгьы иааирԥшуаз арыцҳашьара амч лынаҭон.jw2019 jw2019
Those who lived there had to make big changes in order to become clean in Jehovah’s eyes.
Ажәытә қалақь Коринф инхоз аӡәырҩы рхымҩаԥгашьа цқьамызт.jw2019 jw2019
Abortion is wrong, since the life of an unborn child is precious in God’s eyes. —Exodus 21:22, 23; Psalm 127:3.
Аҽԥыргара иашам, избанзар Анцәа иҿаԥхьа имиц ахәыҷы иԥсҭазаара пату ақәуп (Ақәҵымҭа [Исход] 21:22, 23; Аԥсалом 126:3 [127:3, АдҾ]).jw2019 jw2019
Then, like Job, we can say: “My ears have heard about you, but now I do see you with my eyes.”
Усҟан ҳаргьы, Иов иеиԥш, иаҳҳәар ҳалшоит: «Сара уӡбахә саҳахьан, аха уажәы сыблақәа рыла узбоит».jw2019 jw2019
Astronomer Robert Jastrow said: “The eye appears to have been designed; no designer of telescopes could have done better.”
Астроном Роберт Иастров иҳәеит: «Ала, аконструктор дамазар акәхап; дарбанзаалак ателескоп аконструктор изыҟаҵомызт ари иеиҕьны».jw2019 jw2019
Speaking of his fellow anointed Christians, Brother Rutherford said: “Beyond the time of trouble by the eye of faith they see the Golden Age of the glorious reign of the Messiah. . . .
Аиашьа Рутерфорд доуҳала иалху рзы иҳәеит: «Аԥышәарақәа рыдагьы, дара ахаҵара аблақәа рыла Мессиа напхгара аниуло Ахьтәы шәышықәса рбоит...jw2019 jw2019
18 Jehovah warned the Israelites who had resorted to “magical power”: “When you spread out your palms, I hide my eyes from you.
18 Иегова «амагиатә мчы» зхы иазырхәоз израилаа ус реиҳәеит: «Сара сахь шәнапқәа аншәырххо, сылаԥш шәҟәызгоит.jw2019 jw2019
8 In acknowledging the importance of Jehovah’s sovereignty, we are not belittling our salvation or our worth in his eyes.
8 Иегова инапхгара иадҳәалоу азҵаара ахьхадоу иаанагаӡом Анцәа иҿаԥхьа ҳаиқәырхара хадам ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Peter 1:18, 19) To help us to stay clean in Jehovah’s eyes, we always need to remember how precious Jesus’ ransom sacrifice is.
(1 Пиотр 1:18, 19). Иегова иҿаԥхьа ҳацқьаны ҳаанхаларц азы ҳара еснагь ҳазхәыцлар ауп Иисус иԥсхҭынҵара ахә шаҟа иҳараку.jw2019 jw2019
Satan also said: “God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.” —Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-5.
Анаҩс Аҩсҭаа иациҵеит: «Идыруеит Анцәа уи ашәыр анышәфо аҽны шәыблақәа шыхтуа, насгьы Анцәа иеиԥш ацәгьеи абзиеи здыруа шәакәны шәшыҟало» (Аҟазаара 2:15—17; 3:1—5).jw2019 jw2019
Before our very eyes, God is collecting people from all nations and forming them into the foundation of a new earthly society that will soon replace today’s disunited world.
Ҳара ҳала ишабо Анцәа еизигоит ажәларқәа зегьы рҟнытә ауаа, насгьы дара рыла адгьыл ҿыц аилазаара ашьаҭа икуеит, иаарласны иахьатәи еиҟәҭхоу адунеи зыҧсахуа.jw2019 jw2019
“Moved with pity,” Jesus touches their eyes, and they recover sight.
Иисус «ирыцҳаишьан»*, рыблақәа дрыхкьысын ирбо иҟаиҵоит.jw2019 jw2019
He let us know how precious we are to him when he said: “Whoever touches you touches the pupil of my eye.” —Zechariah 2:8.
Иара иҳаилиркааит шаҟа ҳахә ҳаракны ишьо, абас аниҳәа: «Шәара ишәылакьысуа, сара сылаҷыц далакьысуеит» (Захариа 2:8).jw2019 jw2019
He beat up my mother many times in front of my eyes.
Акырынтә сыла ишабоз сан дипҟахьан.jw2019 jw2019
He will not judge by what appears to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to what his ears hear.
Иара аус иӡбаӡом, насгьы ириашаӡом ила иабои иаҳауеи мацарала.jw2019 jw2019
8 Those who wish to enjoy a happy marriage show respect for their mates by “keeping an eye, not in personal interest upon just [their] own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of [their mates].”
8 Аҭаацәалазаара насыԥ амазарц, ахатә ҩыза иахь апатуқәҵара аарԥшлатәуп, «доусы ихы ашьҭазаара мацара акәымкәа, егьырҭ рҭагылазаашьа, ргәаҳәара ҳасаб рзуны» дныҟәалароуп (Филиппаа 2:4).jw2019 jw2019
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