affairs oor Adangme


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We will have arranged our personal affairs to be sure to be present.
Jehanɛ ɔ, Yesu suɔ kaa nihi tsuo nɛ le anɔkuale nɛ kɛ nɔ yaa neneene wami mi ɔ.jw2019 jw2019
The steward is still in charge of his master’s financial affairs, so in a sense he does have jurisdiction over reducing what others owe the master.
7 Yesu Kristo ngɔ e tsɔɔmi ɔmɛ kɛ da Mawu Munyu ɔ nɔ nɛ e kɛ pee nɔ hyɛmi nɔ́ kpakpa kɛ ha wɔ.jw2019 jw2019
Imagine how disheartening it is, for example, when a wife cheats on her faithful husband and lies to cover up the immoral affair.
Enyɔne ji kaa, wa ko wo wa he nɔ kaa bɔnɛ Naeman pee kekle ɔ, mohu ɔ, waa bu Mawu tsɔli ɔmɛ tue.jw2019 jw2019
4 Because ambassadors represent a foreign sovereign or state, they do not interfere in the internal affairs of the countries where they serve; they remain neutral.
3. Mɛni sane nɛ he wa ko yihi enyɔ komɛ kɛ ba fɔ Salomo hɛ mi?jw2019 jw2019
The Romans allowed the Jews to manage their own judicial affairs.
Se e ba nu hiɔ wawɛɛ nɛ e piɛ bɔɔ jinɛ e gbo.jw2019 jw2019
Have we maintained our zeal for the ministry rather than letting personal affairs take precedence in our life?
Yehowa wo si kaa e maa ngɔ Kanaan zugba a kɛ ha Israelbi ɔmɛ.jw2019 jw2019
As one united flock advocating the Messianic Kingdom, both groups maintain strict neutrality toward the world’s political affairs. —Read Isaiah 2:2-4.
Mɛni blɔ nɔ i kɛ ma tsu ní ngɛ ye si himi mi?jw2019 jw2019
Some of those volunteers have organized their affairs so that they can work on an international project for a number of weeks.
Se Saul tsɔ ni komɛ kaa a ya gbe lɛ ngɛ lejɛ ɔ.jw2019 jw2019
Some have arranged their affairs to serve as pioneers or missionaries.
4. Moo kale bɔnɛ zugba a ngɛ ha ngɛ sisije ɔ.jw2019 jw2019
Another translation of Proverbs 19:3 says: “A man’s ignorance muddles his affairs and he flies out against Jehovah.”
Moo lɛɛ mo susu bɔnɛ si himi ɔ maa pee bua jɔmi ha ngɛ Paradeiso ehe ɔ mi ngɛ zugba a nɔ ɔ he nɛ o hyɛ!jw2019 jw2019
Commenting on the social conditions of that time, the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament explains: “In every affair, the question constantly arose who was the greater, and according to each his due honour was an important matter which caused constant concern.”
Anɛ Wa Ngɛ“NyagbeLigbi Ɔmɛ” A Mi Lo?jw2019 jw2019
Soon God will intervene in human affairs by destroying this entire unsatisfactory system of things.
Nɛ a kpɛti ni komɛ he ye nɛ a ba plɛ Kristofoli, se ni komɛ hu he we yi.jw2019 jw2019
9:19-23) This would have included arranging his affairs to go from house to house when it was most productive to do so.
Pee se ɔ, Yesu kɛ e bɔfo ɔmɛ pue Yerusalem blɔ.jw2019 jw2019
Faithful angels are keenly interested in human affairs and are actively involved in carrying out Jehovah’s will.
Baiblo ɔ de ke: “Zugba a . . . [maa] ba saminya, nɛ a [ma] ná blɛfo babauu.”—La 72:16.jw2019 jw2019
However, they remain resolutely neutral with regard to the political affairs of the nations.
A susuɔ kaa bɔ nɛ Mawu nɔ kuɔ ha he je ɔ, a be nyɛe maa hɛ su e he kɔkɔɔkɔ, nɛ a he po hia we Mawu nɛ kuɔ kaa kikɛ.jw2019 jw2019
“My husband had an affair with a woman who was our daughter’s age.
Nɛ Habel hu ngɔ e to ɔmɛ a kpɛti nɔ́ nɛ wo zɔ kɛ ba.jw2019 jw2019
We, of course, want to be careful to ‘mind our own business’ and not to ‘meddle in other people’s affairs.’
Helo mi pa, tsui hiɔ, hwlɔmi hiɔ, aslã, AIDS, kɛ hiɔ kpahi gbe nimli ayɔhi abɔ.jw2019 jw2019
EUROPE: “The extent of the problem [corruption in Europe] is breathtaking,” according to European Commission Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.
Laban ngɔ e biyo Lea mohu kɛ ha Yakob ngɛ Rahel nane mi.jw2019 jw2019
Rather, it refers to the fact that a woman’s having children to tend to, along with the other aspects of caring for a household, may keep her from falling into a pattern of gossiping and meddling in others’ affairs. —1 Tim.
Kɛkɛ ɔ, ke e ná he blɔ ɔ, nɔ́ yaya nɛ e ngɛ he susue ɔ ma ha nɛ e ya pee yayami.—Kane Yakobo 1:13-15.jw2019 jw2019
However, if we are habitually late, we might ask ourselves if it is because we lack appreciation for meetings for field service or because we fail to organize our affairs in advance.
Benɛ mabi ɔmɛ nu bɔnɛ Salomo tsu sane ɔ he ní ha a, a bua jɔ kaa a ngɛ matsɛ ní lelɔ kaa ja.jw2019 jw2019
• The priests of ancient Babylon were deeply involved in the nation’s political affairs.
4. Mɛni heje e biɔ nɛ Enok nɛ́ pee kã a?jw2019 jw2019
They will no longer exercise their evil control over human affairs.
Mɛni he je e he hia kaa o le Yehowa Mawu kɛ Yesu Kristo ɔ?jw2019 jw2019
Have I become so preoccupied with the everyday affairs of life that I spend less time praying or reading the Bible?’
Anɛ e pi bua jɔmi kaa wa maa le kaa Yesu suɔ jokuɛwi a sane lo?jw2019 jw2019
All our affairs must take place with love. —1 Corinthians 16:14.
Mɛni blɔ nɔ o maa gu kɛ po o bimɛ nɛ a ngɛ sukuu yae ɔ a he piɛ kɛ je lakpa tsɔɔmihi a he?jw2019 jw2019
• Many people are so wrapped up in the affairs of daily life that they give little thought to where they are heading.
Ha nɛ waa hyɛ nɔ́ nɛ ya nɔ ngɛ lejɛ ɔ.jw2019 jw2019
34 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.