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concentrate efforts

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However, a more concentrated effort is needed at EU and national level.
No na razini EU-a i na nacionalnoj razini potreban je usredotočeniji napor.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
It required a concentrated effort of willpower not to give in and order Giordino to close the door.
Trebao mu je najveći napor volje da ne zapovjedi Giordinu da zatvori vrata.Literature Literature
The Greek verb translated “earnestly seeking” is in a form that implies intensity and concentrated effort.
Oblik grčkog glagola koji se prevodi s “usrdno tražiti” ukazuje na gorljivost i snažno naprezanje.jw2019 jw2019
(b) After concentrating efforts upon whom was timely attention turned toward those more inclined to listen, and how?
b) Na koga je prije usredotočio napore pomazani ostatak i kako je zatim pravovremeno obratio pažnju onima koji su bili više naklonjeni poslušanju?jw2019 jw2019
Another reference work explains that this Greek verb is in a form that suggests intensity and concentrated effort.
I doista, Boga trebamo štovati onako kako on to želi, a ne zadovoljavati se skupljanjem znanja o njemu.jw2019 jw2019
Squinting, with concentrated effort, he could just barely distinguish the outlines of their bodies.
On zaškilji, usredotoči se, no jedva je raspoznavao obrise njihovih tijela.Literature Literature
Concentrated efforts to witness to the people of the mountains started over 50 years ago.
Već se preko 50 godina sustavno nastoji svjedočiti ljudima koji žive u planinama.jw2019 jw2019
Zeal offers the ability to gain distinction through concentrated effort directed toward our goals.
Gorljivost nam nudi sposobnost isticanja pos redstvom koncentriranih napora usmjerenih prema našim ciljevima.Literature Literature
Highlight need for concentrated effort on the part of parents.
Istakni potrebu za usredotočenim naporima od strane roditelja.jw2019 jw2019
1 Building a house requires careful planning and concentrated effort.
1 Gradnja kuće zahtijeva pažljivo planiranje i koncentrirane napore.jw2019 jw2019
The original Greek word translated “peers” means “to stoop to look into,” which implies concentrated effort.
Izvorna grčka riječ prevedena sa “zadubiti se” znači “sagnuti se da bi se nešto vidjelo”, što ukazuje na usredotočenost i trud.jw2019 jw2019
The original-language word used here implies intensity and concentrated effort.
Izvorna riječ koja je prevedena s “revno tražiti” ukazuje na gorljivost i snažno naprezanje.jw2019 jw2019
Concentrate efforts to rescue casualties.
Sada zbrinite ozljeđene.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In March # suspected Islamic terrorists were arrested in Konya and in June, a concentrated effort in Bursa resulted in # arrests
U ožujku je u Konyi uhićeno # osumnjičenih za islamistički terorizam, a u lipnju je akcija fokusirana na Bursu za rezultat imala # uhićenjaSetimes Setimes
a concentrated effort should be made in the area of maritime affairs, with a specific focus on islands and their role;
treba poduzeti koncentrirani napor na području pomorstva koji će biti posebno usmjeren na otoke i njihovu ulogu;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
C, " Their modus operandi is unknown, but concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush. "
C " Njihov modus operandi je nepoznat, ali koncentrirani napor se od strane male grupe na čelu s dr Vannevar Bush. "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We can make an honest appraisal of ourselves, determine where we are lacking, and then put forth a concentrated effort to improve.
Možemo iskreno ocijeniti sami sebe, odrediti gdje smo manjkavi i tada uložiti koncentrirane napore da se popravimo.jw2019 jw2019
In order to concentrate efforts in that regard, priority should be given to projects of common interest as defined in that Regulation.
S ciljem udruživanja napora u tom smislu prednost bi se trebala dati projektima od zajedničkog interesa kako su definirani u toj uredbi.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
As a result, the number of partner countries has continued to grow instead of concentrating efforts on a more limited number of countries16.
Slijedom toga, broj partnerskih zemalja i dalje bilježi rast umjesto da se većina aktivnosti usmjeri na manji broj zemalja16.elitreca-2022 elitreca-2022
There is a concentrated effort at readjustment to peacetime activity but unemployment, coming in the wake of the wartime boom is beginning to grip the country.
Postoje značajni napori u prilagodbi mirnodopskim aktivnostima no nezaposlenost, koja se pojavila u zoru ratne jeke počinje zahvačati zemlju.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In harmony with Revelation 14:6, a concentrated effort was made to reach people of “every nation and tribe and tongue and people” within this vast territory.
U skladu s Otkrivenjem 14:6, braća su uložila velik trud kako bi s dobrom viješću doprla do svakog “naroda i plemena i jezika i puka” na tom ogromnom području.jw2019 jw2019
But when the effort failed, I decided to concentrate my efforts elsewhere for a while.
Ali kad plan nije uspio, odlučio sam svoja nastojanja na neko vrijeme usmjeriti drugamo.Literature Literature
The Committee would urge greater emphasis on energy efficiency, food security and food safety, but above all on water efficiency, and a concentrated effort to reduce the extremely high rate of water wastage.
Odbor poziva na stavljanje većeg naglaska na energetsku učinkovitost, sigurnost hrane i sigurnost upotrebe prehrambenih proizvoda, no najviše od svega na učinkovitost upotrebe vode te ulaganje koncentriranog napora u svrhu smanjenja izrazito visoke stope rasipanja vode.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
The objective will be to concentrate efforts on up to five beneficiary countries by providing focused and sustained support in the requested fields, throughout the three-year implementation period of the Decision (CFSP) 2016/51.
Cilj će biti usmjeravanje aktivnosti na najviše pet zemalja korisnica pružanjem usmjerene i trajne potpore u zatraženim područjima tijekom trogodišnjeg razdoblja provedbe Odluke (ZVSP) 2016/51.Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
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