just as oor Koerdies

just as

at the same time as; "even as he lay dying they argued over his estate"; "the building collapsed just as he arrived"

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Respect others’ choices just as you want them to respect yours.
Mîna ku tu dixwazî ku kesên din hurmet bidin qerarên te, tu jî hurmet bide qerarên wan.jw2019 jw2019
But actually in mature ecosystems, you're just as likely to find examples of symbiotic relationships.
بەڵام لە ڕاستیدا لە سیستەمە سروشتیە تەواو پەرەسەندووەکاندا، ئەگەرێکی باش هەیە کە بە هەمان شێوە نموونەی پەیوەندەیە سوودگۆڕکێکانمان بەر چاو بکەوێت (واتە ئەو پەیوەندیانەی کە لە نێوان دوو جۆری جیاواز لە زیندەوەردا دروست دەبێت کە هەر یەکەیان سوودێک بەوی دیان دەگەیەنێت)ted2019 ted2019
If you do, apply yourself, just as Josiah did.
Di vî îşî de Yoşiya ji xwe re bikin nimûne!jw2019 jw2019
In such situations, pray to God, just as Asa did.
Eger wisa be, Asa ji xwe re bike nimûne û ji Xwedê re dua bike.jw2019 jw2019
I was faster but just as depressed.
خێراتر بووم بەڵام هەر داڕووخاو بوومted2019 ted2019
The second shock hurts just as much, and the third and the fourth and the fifth.
شۆکی دووەم تاڕادەیەک ئازاری هەمان شێوەی هەبوە وە سێهەم و چوارەم و پێنجەمted2019 ted2019
LA: And it's not just as adults that we need to bottle this behavior.
ل. ئ: تەنها گەورەکان پێویستیان بەم هەوڵسوکەوتە نییە بهڵكو گرنگە هەمان شت .ted2019 ted2019
Just as nourishing food strengthens the physical body, feeding our mind on Christ’s thinking fortifies our spirituality.
Wekî ku xwarin bedena me xwedî dike, gava em zîhna xwe bi “fikra Mesîh” ve tije dikin, siheta me ya ruhî baştir dibe.jw2019 jw2019
7 Feelings of prejudice in our time can be deeply ingrained, just as they were in Jesus’ day.
7 Wek di rojên Îsa de, pêşhikumên îroyîn jî carinan pir xurt in.jw2019 jw2019
After Samuel was weaned, Hannah took him to the tabernacle, just as she had vowed.
Wext şûnda, ew ducanî bû û lawek anî dinê, û navê wî danî Samûyêl.jw2019 jw2019
6 Endurance in applying what we know to be true is just as important today.
6 Îro jî lazim e ku em li gor tiştên ku em elimîne bijîn.jw2019 jw2019
Just as you have always obeyed, . . . keep working out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” —PHIL.
“Çawa ku we hergav bi ya min kiribe ... bi tirs û lerizînê xilasiya xwe pêk bînin” (FLP.jw2019 jw2019
Focus on their positive traits, just as you want them to focus on yours.
Bala xwe bidine sifatên wanî baş, çawa ku hûn dixwazin ew di nav we de bibînin.jw2019 jw2019
Then Jehovah will make sure that we live in Paradise forever, just as he has promised.
Paşê Yehowa wê sozê xwe bîne cih û destûr bide ku em heta bi hetayê di Cenetê de bijîn.jw2019 jw2019
He will protect us today, just as he protected Abram (Abraham) his friend.
Çawa ku wî dostê xwe Abram (yanî Birahîm) diparast, ewê me jî biparêze.jw2019 jw2019
Just as the prophecy said, it was Cyrus, the king of Persia.
Wek Kitêba Pîroz ji berê ve gotibû, ew padîşahê Farsan bû – Koreş!jw2019 jw2019
Governments today are opening up just as citizens are demanding voice and accountability.
ئەمڕۆ حکومەتەکان بەرەو ئەوە هەنگاو دەنێن شەفاف بن ئەمەش هەمان ئەو شتەیە کە هاوڵاتیان داوایدەکەن .ted2019 ted2019
Girls and women have a part to play in this just as much as men.
ژنان و کچان ڕۆڵیان هەیە بیگێڕن لەمەدا هێندەی پیاوان.ted2019 ted2019
(1Co 5:7) Just as the lamb’s blood on the doorframes saved lives, Jesus’ blood saves lives.
Mesela, Pawlosê şandî Îsa wek “berxê me yê Cejna Derbasbûnê” bi nav kir (1Kr 5:7).jw2019 jw2019
Yet, he did not get involved in fights, but “he let himself be afflicted,” just as was foretold.
Dîsa jî, wî qet şer nedikir, û wek ji berê de hatibû pêxemberî kirin, wî îzin da ku mirov lê zordariyê bikin (Îşa.jw2019 jw2019
Are you, though, just as sure as Martha was of a future resurrection for a loved one?
Lê belê, gelo tu jî wek Mertayê bawer î ku rojekê, mirî wê rabin?jw2019 jw2019
Only my friends supported me, but they were kids, just as powerless as I was.
تەنها هاوڕێکانم پشتگیریان دەکردم، بەڵام ئەوان منداڵ بوون، هەر وەک خۆم، شتێکی ئەوتۆیان پێنەدەکرا.ted2019 ted2019
Just as World War II was ending, Greek communists rebelled against the Greek government, triggering a bitter civil war.
Gava Şerê Hemdinyayê ya diduwan xelas bû, komûnîstên Yewnanî miqabilî dewletê rabûn, û bona vê yekê di welatê de dest pê şerekî giran bû.jw2019 jw2019
And I always sensed deep down that this was wrong and that introverts were pretty excellent just as they were.
ههمیشه لهناخهوه وا ههستم دهکرد که ئهمه شتێکی خراپ بێت ئهو کهسه کراوه کۆمهڵایهتیانه زۆر باش بوون ههروهک ئهوهی واش بوونted2019 ted2019
Such an approach is sure to bring Jehovah’s approval and blessing, just as it did in the case of Joseph.
Eger em wisa bikin, Yehowa wê ji me razî be û me bimbarek bike, wekî ku wî Ûsiv bimbarek kir.jw2019 jw2019
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