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/ˈsɪmpl/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Free from duplicity; guileless, innocent, straightforward.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Mongools

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Really Simple Syndication
Really Simple Syndication
Things our grown-up mind defies Appear as giants in children's eyes. A gentle touch upon her head A simple word when kindly said. Complete attention when she calls. Her knowing you have given
Things our grown-up mind defies Appear as giants in children's eyes. A gentle touch upon her head A simple word when kindly said. Complete attention when she calls. Her knowing you have given


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You will be able to declare in simple, straightforward, and profound ways the core beliefs you hold dear as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Долоо хоног бүр манай оюутнуудLDS LDS
Our amazement should be rooted in the core principles of our faith, in the purity of our covenants and ordinances, and in our most simple acts of worship.
эвлүүлж дууссан роботуудыг бүгдийг ньLDS LDS
One of the surest ways to avoid even getting near false doctrine is to choose to be simple in our teaching.
Яг л хуучирсан өнгөгүй радионоос уянгалаг дуу гарч байгаа адил,LDS LDS
With this simple question, my friend had at last succeeded in opening a tiny breach into my heart.
ах дүү нар маань салан одсон.LDS LDS
He shared simple stories, parables, and real-life examples that made sense to them.
зургууд маань таагүй бус,LDS LDS
One of the things that's very frustrating about this is that we know, by getting modern neonatal incubators into any context, if we can keep premature babies warm, basically -- it's very simple -- we can halve infant mortality rates in those environments.
Би юун дээр алдав?ted2019 ted2019
Because back to the whole relationship issue, what they figured out through this exercise was that a simple mistake can tell me what you're not, or it can remind me of why I should love you.
Харин ч бид 3000 жил үргэлжилсэн маргаант асуудлыг шийдэж чадна.ted2019 ted2019
His plan was simple: to keep Alex active and help him develop a heartfelt testimony of the gospel, they needed to “surround him with good people and give him important things to do.”
Үүнээс дүгнэхэд дуулгах сайн, муу 2 мэдээ байна.LDS LDS
There are actually simple and tangible solutions to fixing this problem that involve content creators, executives and consumers like the individuals in this room.
хамгийн шилдэг хүмүүсийг хэрхэн авч үлдэх вэ?ted2019 ted2019
... In this Church, prayers for help are often answered by the Lord through the simple, daily service of caring brothers and sisters.
салхины дагуу явж буй мэт амьдралыг туулдаг.LDS LDS
Learning to live the safeguards is not as simple as saying you will do it; it requires effort and practice.
Нэг зууны өмнөLDS LDS
* Think of a simple activity that will help the young men understand that becoming like God requires patience and persistence.
Намайг гайхшруулсан нэг зүйл гэвэлLDS LDS
Of course, life is never so simple, and people are never so one-dimensional as the three sisters in this story.
"Мэдэж байна аа, аймшигтай юм" гэж билээ.LDS LDS
3:8) Do you strive to maintain a ‘simple eye’?
надад зөв зүйл мэт санагдаад байв.jw2019 jw2019
I have a simple and solemn faith that right will triumph and that truth will prevail.” 6
Бидний тооцоолж буйгаар, энэ хантаазыг 3 сар ѳмссѳний дараагаарLDS LDS
The reason we’re counseled not to waste our time and money on it is simple: “Gambling is wrong.
Машиныхаа цонхыг хааж,LDS LDS
The booklet Good News for People of All Nations, released in 2004, has already been instrumental in spreading the Kingdom hope by its simple, positive message in numerous languages. —See the article “Good News for People of All Nations,” on page 32.
баримжаа авахын тулд дэлхийн өнгөрсөн болоод одоогийнjw2019 jw2019
2 Open With a Scripture: Some publishers open their presentation by asking the householder a simple viewpoint question on a Bible text that they then proceed to read.
илүү нарийвчилсан нээлт хийгдэж байна.jw2019 jw2019
Demonstrate what a covenant is by making a simple promise to him in exchange for a simple action on his part (for example, promise to give him a small reward if he will recite an article of faith).
Үгүй ээ. Харин ч Томас Эдисоныг гэрлийн чийдэнг бүтээсэнд нь бид талархаж явдаг.LDS LDS
Cathy’s life, though, is not only simple but also exciting.
Таны хайрцганд юу байгаа вэ?jw2019 jw2019
As I work to develop my testimony of Jesus Christ, I find that consistently doing simple things allows my testimony to grow.
ажил, сургууль руугаа явах замдаа үргэлж дарамтанд өртдөг.LDS LDS
It's structured, so it ends up being simple to remember, and it's okay to break it here and there.
Тэгэхдээ, анхаарал нь таны мэдрэхүйг жолооддог зүйл юм.QED QED
Praying and studying the scriptures are the next two small and simple things that I would like to stress.
бид гайхалтай сайжирдаг.LDS LDS
The activity was simple but effective, she says, not only as a way for those who weren’t attending to know that they were remembered but also for those who were writing the notes to be more mindful of each other.
Таны хайрцганд юу байгаа вэ?LDS LDS
However, the brother conducting the meeting for field service should take sufficient time to discuss or demonstrate a simple presentation that is well-suited to the territory or to consider other practical information that can be used in the ministry that day.
Миний бодлоор бид бүгдээрээjw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.