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Most of all, our godly subjection will result in a good relationship with Jehovah, the Supreme Authority.
Fram um alt verður úrslitið, tá vit gudsóttandi geva okkum undir myndugleika, góð viðurskifti við Jehova, sum er hægsti Myndugleikin.jw2019 jw2019
7 Most of all, we have a marvelous hope for the future.
7 Fram um alt hava vit eina undursama framtíðarvón.jw2019 jw2019
Most of all, we should thank him for giving us life.
Fram um alt mugu vit takka Gudi fyri, at hann gav okkum lívið.jw2019 jw2019
She was to carry the life of the most precious of all of God’s creatures —his own beloved Son!
Hon skuldi hava lívið hjá tí dýrabarasta av øllum Guds skapningum undir belti — hansara egna elskaða son!jw2019 jw2019
22 Above all, true Christians avoid involvement with “Babylon the Great,” the world empire of false religion and the most bloodguilty of all.
22 Fremst av øllum hava sonn kristin einki at gera við ta mest blóðseku samskipanina, ið er til, ’Bábylon hina stóru’, heimsveldið av følskum átrúnaði.jw2019 jw2019
But most important of all those things
Tín stóri kærleiki lýsir teg,jw2019 jw2019
But most important of all those things
í øllum dygdum, sum lýsa hann,jw2019 jw2019
Most important of all, we bring honor to Jehovah, “the Father of tender mercies.” —2 Cor.
Og fram um alt bera vit Jehova heiður, hann ið er „Faðir miskunnar“. — 2 Kor.jw2019 jw2019
The ransom is the most precious of all gifts, for God made the greatest sacrifice ever in providing it.
Endurloysingin er dýrabarasta gávan av øllum, tí Gud læt størsta ofrið á ævini fyri at útvega hana.jw2019 jw2019
Every step of the way, Bethel families provide essential support to the most urgent of all tasks —preaching the good news. —Mark 13:10.
Í øllum hesum eru betelfamiljurnar ein dyggur stuðul í týdningarmesta arbeiðinum yvirhøvur — at boða tey góðu tíðindini. — Markus 13:10.jw2019 jw2019
Having sold a total of over 50 million records, he is one of the most successful German musicians of all time.
Hann hevur selt meiri enn 450 milliónir av útgávum, og er ein av tónleikarunum í heiminum, sum hava klárað seg best.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
3: Adversary —The Most Wicked Adversary of All Is Satan the Devil— it-1 p. 54 (5 min.)
3: Mótstøðumaður — Ringasti mótstøðumaðurin av øllum er Satan Djevulin — it-2, s. 312 (5 min.)jw2019 jw2019
The most convincing proof of all, however, comes from God’s Word.
Sterkasta prógvið av øllum kemur kortini úr Guds orði.jw2019 jw2019
This forces the Toa of Fire and the Master of Shadows to work together to retrieve the most powerful mask of all time.
Komandi tíggju árini brúkti John kongur alla sína orku til at vinna mistu ognirnar aftur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But he comes as the mightiest and most glorious of all these spirit sons of God and is therefore invisible, just as they are.—Philippians 2:8-11.
Men hann kemur sum tann mektigasti og dýrdarríkasti av øllum andasynum Guds, og hann er tí ósjónligur, eins og teir eru. — Filippibrævið 2:8-11.jw2019 jw2019
Must we stop using the name of Jesus because most of us, or even all of us, do not really know its original pronunciation?
Skulu vit halda uppat at brúka Jesu navn, tí vit ikki vita hvussu tað upprunaliga varð framborið?jw2019 jw2019
Though bruised and battered, here stands the most outstanding figure of all history, truly the greatest man who ever lived!
Ja, her stendur týdningarmesti maðurin í søguni, størsta menniskjað ið livað hevur!jw2019 jw2019
If you have sound reasons to believe that your guilt is real, not imagined, then consider the most important factor of all in allaying guilt —God’s forgiveness.
Um tú heldur at tú veruliga eigur at kenna skuld, og tað ikki er nakað tú bara ímyndar tær, hugsa so um tað sum betur enn nakað annað kann lætta skuldarkenslu — Guds fyrigeving.jw2019 jw2019
Of all the responsibilities, public safety is the most important focus of the national police in terms of resource allocations.
Sostatt er størsti parturin av politifólkunum í Føroyum føroyingar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Of all of God’s creatures, sheep seemed the most helpless, as if they were designed to need man to guide and protect them.
Av øllum skapningum Guds tóktist seyðurin at vera tann mest hjálparleysi, eins og var hann skaptur til, at menniskju skuldu leiða og verja hann.jw2019 jw2019
The trail is a 4-mile trail that is the most tight and technical of all the city park trails and is considered to be an upper level intermediate trail.
Høvuðsstaðurin er ein av fíggjarligu og mentanarligu miðdeplunum í heiminum og er væl umtóktur ferðamannabýur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The house as 22 rooms in all, and has retained most of its original woodwork.
22 hús eru í gamla partinum av bygdini og tey flestu av teimum eru gomul.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
King was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987, and is considered one of the most influential blues musicians of all time, earning the nickname "The King of the Blues", and is considered one of the "Three Kings of the Blues Guitar" (along with Albert and Freddie King).
King gjørdist partur av Rock and Roll Hall of Fame í 1987 og verður mettur at vera ein av teimum mest ávirkandi blues tónleikarum allar tíðir, hann fekk eisini kelinavnið "The King of the Blues", og ein av teimum "Three Kings of the Blues Guitar" saman við Albert og Freddie.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“With all that is happening today, most of us are wondering what the future holds.
„Við øllum tí, sum hendir í heiminum nú á døgum, er tað natúrligt at spyrja, um tað ónda skal halda fram.jw2019 jw2019
Let us do our utmost to invite to this most important event of the year all our Bible students and other interested people, as well as family members and acquaintances.
Latið okkum gera okkara ítasta fyri at bjóða øllum bíbliulestrum okkara og øðrum áhugaðum, eisini familju og kenningum, at koma til týdningarmiklastu hendingina í árinum.jw2019 jw2019
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