refresh oor Igbo


/ɹiˈfɹɛʃ/ naamwoord, werkwoord
To renew or revitalize.

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Many can truthfully say that Jesus’ teachings have refreshed them and helped them to turn their lives around.
Iji hụ otú nkà mmụta ihe ochie si akwado ihe dị na Bible, lee peeji nke 14-17 nke broshuọ bụ́ Akwụkwọ Dịịrị Mmadụ Nile nke Ndịàmà Jehova bipụtara.jw2019 jw2019
His words and teachings were a source of refreshment to his listeners.
Isi nke 6 chikọtara ọrụ nke Nzukọ-nsọ.jw2019 jw2019
JESUS CHRIST undoubtedly included his younger followers when he said: “Come to me, . . . and I will refresh you.”
Adịghị-nsọjw2019 jw2019
Even a brief encounter with him could be very refreshing.
37 Ma o wee ruo nʼafọ nke iri asatọ na ise ha gbasiri ike nʼelu mgbasi ike na mpako ha, na nʼajọọ-omume ha; ma otu a ha na-acha kwa ọzọ maka mbibi.jw2019 jw2019
If each one strives to focus on the good qualities and efforts of the other, the marriage will be a source of joy and refreshment.
36 Ndị a bụ ndị nke ga-adaba n’ime aọdọ ọkụ na nkume ọku, ha na ekwensu na ndị mụọ-ozi ya—jw2019 jw2019
* Even as water revives a thirsty tree, so the calm speech of a soothing tongue can refresh the spirit of those hearing it.
Ma ugbua, O mmadụ, cheta, ma ghara ịla n’ịyi.jw2019 jw2019
He said that young ones are like “dewdrops” because they are numerous and their youthful zeal is refreshing.
21 Ma ọtụtụ ụdị ihe dị otu a ka ha sịrị ha, na-atakwasị ha ikikere eze, ma na-abụsa ha ọnụ-mmiri, ma na-asị: Olee otu anyị ga-adị mgbe amara anyị ikpe?jw2019 jw2019
Included was Jesus’ warm invitation: “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you.
* Iwu-nsọ ndị a nile bụ nke m, OznỌd. 1:24.jw2019 jw2019
He assures us: “I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls.
38 Ma ugbua, n’ezie a sị m gị, na nkọwasi aihe nile nke ndị ahụ ị deworo, nke siworo gị n’aka pụọ, bụ ihe akanyeworo n’ime bepekele nile nke Nifaị;jw2019 jw2019
In contrast with the crowded cities, the lush green growth in the fields and mountains proves to be most refreshing.
* Ndị ajọọ mmadụ na-anọgide dịka a ga-asị na ọdịbeghị mgbapụta ọbụla e mere, ma ọbụghị ịtọpụ n’agbụ nile nke ọnwụ, Alma 11:41–45.jw2019 jw2019
By contrast, how refreshing it is to receive help from someone who is gracious.
Ụmụ ụmụ ndị a ka a kpọrọ ndị dike bụ dịmkpa (1 Ihem.jw2019 jw2019
You can assure them that only by being Jesus’ faithful followers can they enjoy true refreshment. —Read Matthew 11:28-30.
2 N’ihi na lee, o debeghị iwu-nsọ nile nke Chineke, ma ọ gara ije n’ọchịchọ nke obi ya onwe ya.jw2019 jw2019
All find it refreshing, so their life becomes less stressful.
+ N’ihi na nke a bụ uche Chineke n’ebe unu nọ site n’aka Kraịst Jizọs.jw2019 jw2019
Refreshing Worship That Pleases God
Ebum n’uche nke ekpere a bụghị ịgbanwe uche obi nke Chineke, kama ka anyị nweta maka onwe anyị na maka ndị ọzọ ngọzi nile nke Chineke na-adịworị na njikere inye, mana n’anyị garịrị arịọ maka ha iji nweta ha.jw2019 jw2019
16 On the other hand, the atmosphere within the true Christian congregation provides a refreshing contrast to that of the unkind world.
* A ga-akpọ mmadụ site na Chineke, Ndep. Ok 1:5.jw2019 jw2019
Instead of manifesting an unbelieving and faultfinding spirit, however, he sought to refresh people. —Matthew 11:29, 30.
N’ihi na lee, ọbụrụ na danụ arụ agaghị ebilite ọzọ, mụọ anyị ga-anọzi n’okpuru mụọ-ozi ahụ onye si n’ebe Chineke ebighi-ebi ahụ nọ edapụ, ma ghọọ fekwensu, nke na-agaghị ebilite ọzọ.jw2019 jw2019
He saw the need for refreshment.
3 Ya mere, akwado obi gị ị nara na irube-isi nye ndụmọdụ nile nke m gaje inye unu, n’ihi ndị nile e kpughere iwu nke a nye ahaghị irube-isi nye ya.jw2019 jw2019
Understandably, such people are thirsty for the refreshing waters of Bible truth.
5 Ma nkọwasị maka aime epekele ndị a ka a ga-enye ma emesịa; ma mgbe ahụ, lee, a na m a ga n’iru dịka ihe m kwuworo siri dị; ma nke a ka m mere ka ọtụtụ ihe ndị dị nsọ ga-abụ ihe e bdebere maka mmata nke ndị m.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah would become like refreshing dew to them in that he would bless them abundantly.
9 Mana Amọn sịrị ya: O megidere iwu nke ụmụnne anyị nwoke, nke nna m hiwere, na a ga-enwe andị oru n’etiti ha; ya mere ka anyị gbada ma dabere na ebere nile nke ụmụnne anyị nwoke.jw2019 jw2019
How refreshing it is to serve this marvelous God and to experience his loving, merciful care!
Isi nke 3 na 4 kparịtara nkata maka ozizi nile nke okwukwe and ọrụ nile.jw2019 jw2019
Applying olive oil to one’s head is refreshing and soothing.
O wee wute anyị nke ukwuu, ụmụnne m wee chọọ ịlaghachikwute nna m n’ime ọzara.jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 25:12) However, Paul’s many vivid memories of sea voyages involve far more than refreshing breezes and open horizons.
Onye-nwe kpọrọ Samuel na mgbe o dị nta ịbụ onye-amụma (1 Sam.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 11:29, 30) While baptism does bring a yoke of responsibility, Jesus assures us that it is a kindly and bearable one that will refresh us immensely.
Ọ bụrụ na ala ahụ adịghị larịị ma bụrụ nke siri ike, hinye ya ihe n’okpuru ka o guzoro n’ebe dị larịị.jw2019 jw2019
After four refreshing years, we received another assignment.
14 N’ebe ahụ ọ fọdụrụ n’ọdịnịru, n’oge akaraaka nke Onye-nwe, andị ụkọchukwu ndị ọzọ a ga-edopụ iche nye nzukọ-nsọ ije ozi ọbụna dịka nke mbụ;jw2019 jw2019
What additional steps might you take to refresh, and to be refreshed by, some unmarried brothers or sisters?
1 Ma ugbua mụ, Nifaị, agaghị enwe ike idecha ihe nile ndị akụziri n’etiti ndị m; ọbụghị ma m adị ike n’ide ihe, dịka n’ikwu okwu; n’ihi na mgbe mmadụ ji ike nke Mụọ Nsọ bna-ekwu okwu, ike nke Mụọ Nsọ na-eburu ya baa ruo n’obi nile nke ụmụ nke mmadụ.jw2019 jw2019
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