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What would appeal to a neighbor, an acquaintance, a businessperson, a student, and so forth?’
Hvat kann tala til grannan hjá mær, ein kenning í grannalagnum, ein handilsmann, ein skúlanæming”jw2019 jw2019
4 In order to attend the Congregation Book Study, we needed time to dress, travel, and so forth.
4 Tá vit skuldu vera við á samkomubókalestrinum, noyddust vit at brúka tíð til at skifta, fara av húsum og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
2:12) Others have unwisely put their confidence in material riches, human rulers, modern science, and so forth.
2:12) Óklókt líta nøkur á ríkidømi, verðsligar stjórnarar, nútíðar vísindi og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
He becomes Creator, Judge, Savior, Sustainer of life, and so forth, in order to fulfill his promises.
Hann verður Skapari, Dómari, Frelsari, Lívbjargari og mangt annað fyri at halda lyfti síni.jw2019 jw2019
Some produce food, prepare meals, do cleaning, laundry, and so forth.
Og uppaftur onnur syrgja fyri matvøruframleiðslu, matgera, gera reint, vaska klæðir og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
• Inquire of others —Bible students, family members, workmates, and so forth.
• Spyr onnur, til dømis bíbliulestrarnæmingar, skyldfólk ella starvsfelagar.jw2019 jw2019
All of us make plans for the future, including for vacations, business trips, visits with relatives, and so forth.
Vit gera øll ætlanir fyri framtíðini, annaðhvørt vit skulu hava feriu, á handilsferðir, vitja skyldfólk og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
Provide necessary reminders regarding parking, entering and exiting the building, and so forth for the upcoming Memorial on March 31.
Gev, um neyðugt, upplýsingar um parkering og onnur praktisk viðurskifti í sambandi við komandi minningarhøgtíðina 31. mars.jw2019 jw2019
For example, they have a place for books, another for magazines and brochures, still another for tracts, and so forth.
Nógvum dámar væl at pakka boðarataskuna soleiðis, at bøkur, bløð, hefti, faldarar og so framvegis liggja fyri seg.jw2019 jw2019
Get them involved in serving others, doing things such as assisting with Kingdom Hall cleaning, helping the elderly, and so forth.
Lær tey at gera nakað fyri onnur, at hjálpa at gera reint í ríkissalinum, taka sær av teimum eldru og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 26:28, 29) During home Bible studies, we will need to discuss scriptures more thoroughly, explain illustrations, and so forth.
(Áps. 26:28, 29) Tá vit leiða bíbliulestrar, mugu vit gera meira burtur úr at umrøða skriftstøðini, greiða frá myndlýsingunum og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
Some keep a Bible and literature handy so that they may witness at work, at school, when traveling and shopping, and so forth.
Summi hava altíð eina Bíbliu ella annan lesnað hjá sær, so tey kunnu bera vitnisburð á arbeiðsplássinum, í skúlanum, tá tey ferðast, fara til handils og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
They may assign him to perform helpful services connected with dispensing magazines and literature, handling microphones, maintaining the Kingdom Hall, and so forth.
Teir geva honum kanska eina uppgávu sum hjálparfólk við blað- ella bókborðið, lata hann ganga við mikrofonum ella biðja hann hjálpa við viðlíkahaldinum av ríkissalinum ella annað.jw2019 jw2019
Why is “alternative” not the best word to describe preaching on the street and in parking lots, parks, places of business, and so forth?
Hví er „øðrvísi“ ikki besta orðið at brúka í sambandi við at boða á gøtuni, á parkeringsøkjum, í viðarlundum, í handlum og so framvegis?jw2019 jw2019
Some assume that there must be someone to fill each role —husband, wife, son, daughter, grandparent, and so forth— for a family to be “real.”
Nøkur halda, at í eini rættiligari familju skulu bæði vera maður, kona, sonur, dóttir, abbi, omma og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Corinthians 8:8) The Christian might view it as a common meal and not join in any holiday greetings, songs, toasts, and so forth.
(1 Korintbræv 8:8) Hon metir tað kanska sum eina vanliga máltíð og tekur ikki lut í sjálvari høgtíðini, eitt nú við ymiskum heilsanum, sangum, at skála og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
Congregations or individuals should not use logos or names of the organization’s legal entities, or variations thereof, on their Kingdom Halls, signs, letterhead, personal objects, and so forth.
Samkomur ella einstaklingar mugu ikki brúka búmerki og nøvn ella nøkur, ið líkjast, og sum eru tengd at løgfrøðiligu feløgunum hjá samskipanini, til at seta á ríkissalar, skelti, brævhøvd, persónligar lutir jw2019
Take notice of carpet stains, damaged chairs, plumbing problems, burned-out light bulbs, and so forth, and promptly report these matters to the brother in charge of Kingdom Hall maintenance.
Um tú sært, at plettir eru á teppunum, at stólarnir eru illa farnir, at trupulleikar eru við vesunum, at ljósperurnar eru brostnar og so framvegis, mást tú sum skjótast siga tað við bróðurin, ið hevur viðlíkahaldið í ríkissalinum um hendi.jw2019 jw2019
However, when it comes to literature items we request for our personal use, including songbooks, Yearbooks, deluxe Bibles, and so forth, we cannot expect outsiders to care for our needs.
Men summi ivast kanska í, um teirra gávur røkka longur enn til tað, tey sjálvi fáa. Tey vænta ikki, at onnur rinda tær útgávurnar, tey persónliga nýta, veri seg sangbøkur, árbøkur, bíbliur, CD-ROM, kasettubond, videobond jw2019
The basic costs of materials, production, and shipping are covered by voluntary donations made by interested persons and are supplemented by contributions, bequests, and so forth, made by Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves.
Allar aðrar útreiðslur verða goldnar við sjálvbodnum stuðli sum Jehova Vitni sjálv lata, í gávum ella testamentum.jw2019 jw2019
Informal witnessing involves sharing the good news with people whom we meet in our daily activities —when traveling, visiting relatives or neighbors, or shopping, as well as at school, at work, and so forth.
Óformlig boðan merkir at bera fólki, sum vit møta í okkara gerandisdegi, tey góðu tíðindini — tá vit ferðast, vitja skyldfólk ella grannar, eru til handils, eru í skúla, eru til arbeiðis og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
5 Reaching the Hearts of Sincere Ones: Many individuals who say that they do not believe in God would appreciate knowing if there is a solution to the problems of poor health, family discord, injustice, and so forth.
5 Nem hjørtuni á falsleysum: Nógv, sum siga, at tey ikki trúgva á Gud, leita ofta eftir eini loysn á heilsutrupulleikum, familjutrupulleikum, órættvísini og so framvegis.jw2019 jw2019
(Genesis 1:28) So they would be able to reproduce and bring forth perfect children.
(1 Mósebók 1:28) Ja, tey kundu nørast og bera fullkomin børn í heim.jw2019 jw2019
Periodic reminders should be given so that publishers can prepare and put forth special effort to offer Bible studies from house to house and when visiting those who previously showed interest.
Av og á skulu boðararnir verða mintir á hesa skipan, so teir kunnu fyrireika seg og gera eitt serligt avrik í samband við at bjóða bíbliulestrar hús úr húsi, og tá teir vitja tey, sum áður hava víst áhuga.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus prays that his followers enjoy this same oneness so that “the world may have the knowledge that you sent me forth and that you loved them just as you loved me.”
Jesus biður um at sami einleikin má ráða millum lærisveinar hansara, „so heimurin skal sanna, at Tú hevur sent Meg og hevur elskað tey, sum Tú hevur elskað Meg“.jw2019 jw2019
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