customary killing oor Sjinees

customary killing

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The caseload confirms that harmful customary practices such as honour killings, ba’ad (the exchange of girls to settle disputes), trafficking in women, under‐aged and forced marriages and severe domestic violence continue.
待处理的案件证实。 有害的习惯做法依然很普遍,例如:“名誉杀害”、为平息争端用女孩作为交换、贩卖妇女、未满法定年龄的婚姻和强迫婚姻、严重的家庭暴力。UN-2 UN-2
The caseload confirms that harmful customary practices such as honour killings, ba'ad (the exchange of girls to settle disputes), trafficking in women, under-aged and forced marriages and severe domestic violence continue
待处理的案件证实。 有害的习惯做法依然很普遍,例如:“名誉杀害”、为平息争端用女孩作为交换、贩卖妇女、未满法定年龄的婚姻和强迫婚姻、严重的家庭暴力。MultiUn MultiUn
were concerned at the impact of the legacy of the Kanun (customary law) and the persistence of vendetta or honour killings.
担心习惯法遗留下来的影响和持续的仇杀或为维护名誉杀人做法。UN-2 UN-2
The Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions explained that current blood feud killings sometimes no longer followed the traditional pattern established by the Kanun rules (orally transmitted customary rules), which reportedly authorized the killing of male members of a family and strictly forbade the killing of women and children.
法外处决,即决处决或任意处决问题特别报告员解释说,目前发生的家族仇杀有时候不再沿袭“教规”(the Kanun rules, 口头传承的习俗规则)规定的传统模式,这种规则据报道必须杀害一家的男人而严格禁止杀害妇女和儿童。UN-2 UN-2
Killings in the name of honour continue due to harmful customary practices, not due to discretionary powers of the courts.
以维护名誉为杀人的现象依然存在,原因在于有害习俗,而非法院的裁量权。UN-2 UN-2
Reaffirming that the intentional killing of persons entitled to protection as civilians is prohibited by customary international criminal law
重申国际习惯刑法禁止故意杀害有权作为平民受到保护的人MultiUn MultiUn
Reaffirming that the intentional killing of persons entitled to protection as civilians is prohibited by customary international criminal law,
重申国际习惯刑法禁止故意杀害有权作为平民受到保护的人,UN-2 UN-2
Women are sometimes detained in private homes as the result of decisions taken by customary law actors or forced to marry as compensation for killings, creating highly abusive situations
根据习惯法行为者作出的决定,妇女有时被关押在私人住宅,或者被迫结婚以作为对致死事件的赔偿,这就造成种种严重侵犯人权状况。MultiUn MultiUn
Women are sometimes detained in private homes as the result of decisions taken by customary law actors or forced to marry as compensation for killings, creating highly abusive situations.
根据习惯法行为者作出的决定,妇女有时被关押在私人住宅,或者被迫结婚以作为对致死事件的赔偿,这就造成种种严重侵犯人权状况。UN-2 UN-2
Strengthen measures to eliminate customary practices leading to violence, in particular vendetta and honour killings and domestic violence, and ensure effective access of potential and actual victims to protection (Czech Republic);
加强措施消除习俗做法导致暴力,特别是仇杀和名誉杀害的现象,并确保潜在和实际的受害者得到有效保护(捷克共和国);UN-2 UN-2
Concludes therefore that the transfer of a person to a State where that person faces a real risk of being subjected to torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or extrajudicial killing would be a breach of customary international law;
因此得出结论,将某人移交至该人确实会面临酷刑、残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或非法杀害风险的国家,是违背国际习惯的;UN-2 UN-2
The Committee is gravely concerned by the legacy of the Kanun (customary law) and the persistence of the “vendetta” or honour killings, particularly in the north and the north-eastern parts of the country
委员会严重关切缔约国北部和东北地区受习俗(Kanun)的残余影响尤甚,存在着“族间仇杀或为名誉杀人的固疾。MultiUn MultiUn
Implement a comprehensive legal and policy framework to end practices which are discriminatory and lead to violence against women and girls, including witchcraft killings, rape, domestic violence and practices related to customary ownership and inheritance of land (Canada);
实施全面的法律和政策框架以消除歧视和导致暴力侵害妇女和女孩的习俗,包括巫术杀人、强奸、家庭暴力、以及与土地传统所有权和继承相关的习俗(加拿大);UN-2 UN-2
ARPMHR and FDRP stated that political murders and killings of journalists involved in the investigation of violations and crimes have become a customary practice
全俄民众人权运动和捍卫囚犯权利基金会指出,政治谋杀杀害参与调查暴力和犯罪的记者已成为司空见惯做法 # 。MultiUn MultiUn
The Committee is deeply concerned about the persistence of “blood feuds” resulting from the application of customary law known as “Kanun” and, in particular, the killing of children and the confinement of a large number of children for fear of being killed, especially in the northern areas of the State party.
委员会深感关切的是,由于实行被称为《卡努法典》的习惯法所产生的“血仇”绵延不绝,尤其是儿童遭到杀害,很多儿童担心杀而遭禁闭,这种情况在缔约国北部地区尤其严重。UN-2 UN-2
ICTJ reported that allegations contended that many violations of customary international human rights and humanitarian law occurred during ‘the Tensions,’ including the killing of people not engaged in hostilities, torture, internal displacement, and the destruction of property.
国际过渡时期司法中心报告说,有指控称,在‘紧张局势’期间曾多次发生违反习惯国际人权和人道主义法行为,包括杀害未参与敌对行动的平民、实施酷刑、国内流离失所以及毁坏财产。UN-2 UN-2
The Government should take firm and immediate action, including public awareness programmes, to prevent the transfer of women as compensation to the families of victims who have been killed and should take similar action against other abusive customary law practices that violate women’s rights.
政府应当采取坚决和立即行动,包括公共认识方案在内,以防止作为给被害者家庭的赔偿而转让妇女的做法,并且应当采取同样行动来打击滥用习惯法、侵犯妇女权利的做法。UN-2 UN-2
The Government should take firm and immediate action, including public awareness programmes, to prevent the transfer of women as compensation to the families of victims who have been killed and should take similar action against other abusive customary law practices that violate women's rights
政府应当采取坚决和立即行动,包括公共认识方案在内,以防止作为给被害者家庭的赔偿而转让妇女的做法,并且应当采取同样行动来打击滥用习惯法、侵犯妇女权利的做法。MultiUn MultiUn
Action plans to combat violence against women and young girls must address customary violence that violates human rights, such as forced marriage, female genital mutilation and so-called honour killings.
消除对妇女和女童暴力的行动计划必须消除源于习俗的暴力行为,如违反人权的强迫婚姻、切割女性生殖器和所谓荣誉犯罪。UN-2 UN-2
In Simbu province in Papua New Guinea, the non-governmental organization Kup Women for Peace worked directly with the police to resolve cases of violence against women, sorcery killings and land disputes, using a combination of references to customary and international human rights norms.
在巴布亚新几内亚辛布省,非政府组织古布妇女争取和平组织直接与警方合作,采用把习惯准则和国际人权准则相结合的方式,处理暴力侵害妇女、巫术杀人和土地纠纷等案件。UN-2 UN-2
Administration of justice which includes the recognition of customary laws and justice systems and addresses the issue of disproportional representation of indigenous peoples in jails, arbitrary arrests, detention, extrajudicial killings and other forms of human rights violations;
司法行政,包括承认习惯法和司法制度,这涉及到土著人民被监禁的比例过高问题、任意逮捕、拘留和法外处死以及其他形式的违反人权行为;UN-2 UN-2
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