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Far behind him, lost in the gloom of the storm, lay the windswept heights of Mount Carmel, where Jehovah had used Elijah to strike a mighty and miraculous blow against Baal worship.
Шьҭа ихараз аԥша зықәсуаз ашьха Кармил аҿы Иегова Ваал имҵахырхәара ықәигеит. 450-ҩык Ваал иԥааимбарцәа рымц ҿаԥҽын, насгьы ишрықәнагаз еиԥш ишьын.jw2019 jw2019
That was my first experience in leaving things behind to follow the Master.
Убас ала, раԥхьаӡа акәны Иҳақәиҭу сишьҭанеиларазы ак мап ацәыскит.jw2019 jw2019
(b) What kind of life did Sakura live, and what gave her the strength to leave it behind?
б) Илыԥсҭазаашьази Сакура, насгьы илыцхраазеи аҽыԥсахра?jw2019 jw2019
15 The Babylonians were holding a festival that night and felt secure behind their massive city walls.
15 Уи ауха Вавилон инхоз ауаа аныҳәа ҟарҵеит, акгьы иацәшәомызт, избанзар рықалақь аҭӡамц дуқәа ирықәгәыӷуан.jw2019 jw2019
“When I was just 12 years old, my parents emigrated to another country and left me behind to care for my two younger sisters.
«12 шықәса анысхыҵуаз сҭаацәа исеиҵбацәаз саҳәшьцәа сзааныжьны аҳәаанырцәҟа аусура ицеит.jw2019 jw2019
(Mark 10:29, 30) Yes, no matter what you have left behind or must endure, you can find delightful companionship and spiritual security among God’s people.
Уи адагьы, Иисус иҳәеит: «Аӡәгьы дыҟам ма зыҩны, ма зашьцәа, ма заҳәшьцәа, ма заб, ма зан, ма зыҧҳәыс, ма зыхшаара, ма зыдгьыл Аевангелиеи Сареи ҳзы инзыжьыз, уажәы ари аамҭа шьҭазаҩразы аҩнқәагьы, аешьцәагьы, аеҳәшьцәагьы, абацәагьы, анацәагьы, ахшаарагьы, адгьылгьы, аамҭа иаауа азгьы наӡаӡа аҧсҭазаара шәынтә иеиҳаны измоуша» (Марк 10:29, 30).jw2019 jw2019
leaving death behind.
Иҳауеит аԥсҭазаара.jw2019 jw2019
What, then, is behind these prophecies?
Нас, ирыҵаҵәахыузеи абарҭ аҧааимбаражәақәа?jw2019 jw2019
What did Jesus mean by telling Peter to “get behind” him?
Ииҳәарц ииҭахызи Иисус «сара сышьҭахь угыл» ҳәа аниҳәаз?jw2019 jw2019
What would they take on this journey into the unknown, and what would they leave behind?
Зегьы заа еиҿыркаар, насгьы иазхәыцыр ахәҭан.jw2019 jw2019
Finally, the moment arrived, and they set off, leaving Ur behind forever.
Абар иааит зегь реиҳа ихадоу аамҭа — акараван амҩа иқәлеит, наунагӡа Ур ааныжьны.jw2019 jw2019
In the modern-day fulfillment, the man with the secretary’s inkhorn represents Jesus Christ, the one behind the scenes who marks those who will survive
Ҳаамҭазы аписар ичернилаҭра зыҟәну ауаҩы ажәҩан аҿы иҟоу Иисус Христос дааирԥшуеит. Уи еиқәырхахо ауаа рылахь адырга аниҵоит.jw2019 jw2019
Will she have to leave friends behind?
Иаанлыжьыр акәхома лҩызцәа?jw2019 jw2019
(b) How can the principle behind Deuteronomy 23:12, 13 be applied in all households?
б) Ишԥалшо аҩнқәа зегьы рҟны ахархәара Ҩынтәзакәан 23:12, 13 аҟны иану аԥҟара шьаҭас измоу апринцип?jw2019 jw2019
Perhaps Naomi had resumed walking on the road when she noticed that Ruth was trailing behind her.
Иҟалап Ноеминь лымҩа ианацылҵа ашьҭахь игәалҭазар Руфь длышьҭаланы дшаауаз.jw2019 jw2019
Since the diners all lay on their left side, one beside the other, “the head of one man was near the breast of the man who lay behind him,” explains one source, “and he was, therefore, said ‘to lie in the bosom’ of the other.”
Акрызфоз зегьы рарма ган иқәиан, «ауаҩы ихы ишьҭахь иқәиаз игәаҿы иҟалон, убри аҟынтә иуҳәар ҟалоит уи даҽаӡәы игәы дадиаалоуп ҳәа» (A Cyclopædia of Biblical Literature).jw2019 jw2019
17 In harmony with the principle behind that Israelite law, the family’s bathroom and toilet area —whether inside or outside the dwelling— should be kept clean and disinfected.
17 Израильаа ирыҭаз апринцип шьаҭас иамаз инақәыршәаны, аҽыкәабарҭеи ашьашьмаҭреи — иахьыҟазаалак, аҩны аума, адәахьы аума — ицқьазароуп, адезинфекциагьы ҟаҵалатәуп.jw2019 jw2019
How does Leviticus 22:18-20 help us to see the implicit warning behind Romans 12:1?
Ишԥаҳацхраауеи Алевит 22:18—20 иану, Римаа 12:1 аҟны иҵәаху агәҽанызаара аилкаара?jw2019 jw2019
One scholar said of this quality: “Behind the gentleness there is the strength of steel.”
Библиаҭҵааҩык уи аҟазшьа данахцәажәоз, «ататара аџыр иамоу аӷәӷәара аныԥшуеит» иҳәеит.jw2019 jw2019
He turned his back on Peter, looked at the rest of the disciples —who had likely been thinking something similar— and said: “Get behind me, Satan!
Пиотр ибӷа иеирханы, Иисус уи иеиԥш ихәыцуаз егьырҭ аҵаҩцәа днарыхәаԥшын иҳәеит: «Усԥырыцқьа наҟ, аџьныш!jw2019 jw2019
How can we apply the principle behind Paul’s warnings about associations?
Ишԥаҳалшо ҳара Павел иабжьагара шьаҭас иамоу апринцип ақәныҟәара?jw2019 jw2019
Leaving behind their comfortable life in Ur presented challenges to Abram and Sarai
Ур ирымаз иманшәалаз аԥсҭазаара анаанрыжь, Аврами Сареи ауадаҩрақәа ирықәшәеитjw2019 jw2019
If I take up work in another country and leave my family behind, what might be the emotional and spiritual effects on my family? —Ephesians 5:28–6:4.
Сара ари аусура сақәшаҳаҭханы, сҭаацәа ааныжьны даҽа тәылак ахь сцар, ишԥаныруеи уи аемоциатә, насгьы адоуҳатә ҭагылазаашьа? (Ефесаа 5:28—6:4).jw2019 jw2019
It is not hard to see that Peter needed to stop getting in front of his Master as a stumbling block and needed to get back behind him as a supportive follower.
Пиотр еиликаар акәын: ирҵаҩы имҩа дангыланы иԥырхагахара ацымхәрас, иара ишьҭахь дгыланы, азиашара аазырԥшуа аҵаҩ иеиԥш дицхраалар ихәҭан.jw2019 jw2019
The account tells us that once Noah had brought his family and the animals inside the ark, “Jehovah shut the door behind him.”
Абиблиаҿы иануп Нои иҭаацәара, насгьы аԥстәқәа аковчег ианҭеигала ашьҭахь «Иегова ашә аиркуеит» ҳәа.jw2019 jw2019
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