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A practice of communicating with one's God.

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practice of communicating with one's God

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Lord's Prayer
Bóhólníihii bisodizin · Jesus sodizin yee na’neeztą́ą́’ii


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Ryan says: “We took this straight to Jehovah in prayer.
7. (a) Ádam dóó Íiv haʼátʼíí biniinaa jineezná?jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah is so great and powerful, yet he listens to our prayers!
Doo éí háida tídiilníiłgo bee nihi k’íhodoot’ah da, oodlání dóó doo oodlání ndi.jw2019 jw2019
When you approach the elders, they will use the Scriptures and offer heartfelt prayers to soothe your heart, lessen or remove your negative feelings, and help you to heal spiritually. —James 5:14-16.
Áádóó ałdó’ Yisdá’iiníiłii t’áá ání, “bąąhági’át’éii éí ts’ídá doo shił ąąníi da,”6 ní, áko haaléii t’éego nihizhdínóoł’įįł, doo yá’át’ééhgóó ániit’éego, áádóó doo yóó’anihizhdi’aah da.jw2019 jw2019
Before discontinuing a Bible study, seek Jehovah’s direction in prayer.
Díi gi’at’áo ni’ bikáá’góó díijį́ t’óó’ ahayóígoo ntsidahazdéél, łą́ągo dine’é adeisdįįd.jw2019 jw2019
We should not say our prayers from memory or read them from a prayer book.
Áádóó Laman bikʼi hodiikę́ę́z; dóó Laman Laban baghan góneʼ yah ííyá, dóó yighan góneʼ sidáago yił ałchʼįʼ yááłtiʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Meetings are opened and closed with prayer.
Díigi átʼéego, łaʼ Teton Sioux dineʼé Lone Man wolyéego ádííniid: “Díí baa ákoniizı̨́ı̨́ʼ tʼáadoo leʼé nitsaago ázhdoolííłígíí diné tʼááłáʼí ádeidiitʼą́ągo doo yínéelą́ą da.”jw2019 jw2019
19 And Jacob and Joseph also, being young, having need of much nourishment, were grieved because of the afflictions of their mother; and also amy wife with her tears and prayers, and also my children, did not soften the hearts of my brethren that they would loose me.
Nadezhda nléí Moscowdę́ę́’ t’áá’ aghááh Mormon Binaaltsoos ła’ yił e’élehíí yiih yi’ááh t’áa bił áłk’esdisí bináá ahénatł’ingo.LDS LDS
Our Creator can hear even silent prayers.
Diyin God Bizaad biiʼdóó áníigo éí daneeznánígíí doo bił éédahózin da, ákondi chʼı̨́įdiitah hodookʼą́ą́ł bee naʼnitinígíí tʼáá bééhózínígo tʼááʼádzaagóó God bee bikʼí hatʼááh.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 14:4) The Governing Body appreciates our prayers in its behalf.
Éí ałkéé’ honi’ą́nii t’aa’at’é be’al’į́į́h.jw2019 jw2019
During his talk with the apostles, Jesus reminded them several times that Jehovah would answer their prayers. —John 14:13; 15:7, 16; 16:23.
6 Áádóó biiskání, ałtso hashtʼeʼadaʼiilyaago, daneestʼáanii dóó atsįʼ doo kééhatʼínídę́ę́ʼ áłah ádeiilyaa, índa tsísʼná bitłʼizh tʼóó ahayóí ádeiilyaa, dóó Bóhólníihii ánihidííniidígíí bikʼehgo tʼáadoo leʼé hashtʼeʼadeiilyaago, tsin naaʼeeł biih yiikai, tʼáá ałtso hashtʼeʼadeiilyaaígíí dóó akʼǫ́ǫ́ʼ ádaatʼéii, dóó tʼáá ałtso nihee dahólónígíí, dóó tʼáá ałtso béédááhaiígíí bikʼehgo; ákohgo, tʼáá ałtso niheʼesdzáán dóó nihadaʼáłchíní bił, tsin naaʼeeł góyaa biih yiikai.jw2019 jw2019
He started to attend Christian meetings regularly, to study God’s Word earnestly, and to make daily prayer a habit.
Shik’is dóó shiláh éí nihokáá’góó oołáhígíí Jesus Christ biSodizin bighan Iił-káahjį’ dayóodlą’nii. Shí baa ahéeh nísin Naat’áanii Thomas S.jw2019 jw2019
The Lord instructed the Saints in Jackson County, Missouri, in 1831 that their prayers and thanks should be directed heavenward.
Ndi Séítan éí ‘nihokáaʼgi diyin áhodilʼíiniiʼ nilı̨́ dóó “nihokáaʼgi tʼáá átʼéé nítʼééʼ bee” bóhólnííh.LDS LDS
This means that you go to Jehovah in prayer and tell him that you want to do his will forever.
T’áa bí na’nítiní yik’íniyá, hane’ yidíizts’ą́ą́’, dóó bee shidi’doolzį́į́ł níizį́į́’.jw2019 jw2019
Together they have labored with love to make the promise of the Savior to Emma Smith come true: “For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads” (D&C 25:12).
Nik’ijisdli’ yiniłta’;LDS LDS
What famous prayer will we now discuss?
(Genesis 2:18-24) Íiyisíí áhyiłnínígíí, éí hooghan hazʼą́ągi niilyáhígíí Jiihóvah áyiilaago binahjįʼ hólǫ́.jw2019 jw2019
The memory may be of an answered prayer, of a priesthood ordinance received, of a confirmation of your testimony, or of a moment when you saw God’s guiding hand in your life.
Haash yitʼéego éí díí choidooʼįįł?LDS LDS
(John 14:6) Jehovah does not want us to repeat memorized or written prayers.
Áko Diyin Bizaad éí tʼáá aaníí “Diyin God bizaad” átʼé.—1 Thessalonians 2:13; Endnote 2 níníłʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
Write down some topics you want to include in your prayers.
Ndi dadiyiilyééł daanínę́ę, tʼéiyá baa hashneʼ.jw2019 jw2019
I realize that our personal prayers and supplications to a loving Father in Heaven in the name of Jesus Christ can bring blessings into our lives beyond our ability to comprehend.
Azhą́ shı̨́ı̨́ há nanitłʼa ndi Jesus akʼeh hojííłʼįįd, áko éí bikʼee tiʼhojoozniiʼ.LDS LDS
How does prayer help us to cultivate humility?
Dóó ga’, iináagoo nahonitł’áh, Átaa’ bahane’ t’áa 2,000 nááhaidą́ą́’ nda’niłkáadii bee bił hóone’ę́ę díishjį’ t’áhdii t’áa’akót’éh: “T’áa ndáałdzi dí.”jw2019 jw2019
7 In the model prayer, Jesus said: “Let your Kingdom come.”
Łaʼ diné tʼáá Nóahʼígi ádaatʼé.jw2019 jw2019
4 Prayer helps us to have a close friendship with Jehovah.
Díí yigha’ígíí, Késhmishjį ahoolzhizhgo Yisdá’iiníiłii łá’ baa deeshłééł nisin, éí éiya “Christ Hiiná” December 25th góne’ ałtsǫ bóhodeesh’ááł.jw2019 jw2019
Sometimes in the harbor of our homes, we can’t see that by the simple, consistent acts—including family prayer, scripture study, and family home evening—great things are brought to pass.
Áłtsé Naat’áaniijí Áłtsé Akéé’dasidáhLDS LDS
Why might it seem that Jehovah has not answered our prayers?
Haʼátʼíida tʼahdoo bee lą́ íłeehgóó áłtsé nichʼooní bił hodíílnihjw2019 jw2019
(Philippians 2:4) Jehovah hears such prayers.
Ákótʼée ndi áłchíní ayóó ndaʼídíłkid łeh.jw2019 jw2019
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