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12 These two Gospel accounts give us precious insight into “the mind of Christ.”
Энэ 3D хэвлэгч машины хийх зүйл боловч,jw2019 jw2019
* How does the Lord assist us in finding people to teach?
тэр ангид хичээл заах хугацаандаа л байна.LDS LDS
I testify that when Heavenly Father commanded us to “retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and minds may be invigorated” (D&C 88:124), He did so with an eye to blessing us.
механик шинж чанарын хувьд гологдол үүсгэдэг.LDS LDS
“There were so many different customs to get used to,” say two fleshly sisters in their late 20’s from the United States, who serve in the Dominican Republic.
Иймээс энэ багаж энэ заагийг арилгасан.jw2019 jw2019
Invite students to look in Luke 13–14 for what the Savior taught about interacting with people who are less fortunate than us.
тодорхой хэмжээгээр туйлширдаг гэж та маргаж болох ч,LDS LDS
Strength will come because of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.19 Healing and forgiveness will come because of God’s grace.20 Wisdom and patience will come by trusting in the Lord’s timing for us.
Тэдэнтэйгээ холбоотой бүхий л дурсамжаа эргэн сана.LDS LDS
But they also contain symbols that teach us about the Savior and about our covenants.
Тэгээд бахархах зүйлтэй "Бүх зүйлд яарч сандрагчийнхаа" хувьдLDS LDS
And it doesn't have to be through the ears: this system uses an electrotactile grid on the forehead, so whatever's in front of the video feed, you're feeling it on your forehead.
торнилын үетэй байдаг нь харагддаг.ted2019 ted2019
Heavenly Father prepared a plan to enable us to become like Him.
юу ч өгөхгүй байснаас дээрLDS LDS
The courage to speak the truth to others, even to those who oppose our message, does not rest with us.
хөгжилтэй, сонирхолтой, дүрэлзсэн, гал цогтой Франц-Канад,jw2019 jw2019
“I used to sit there and never comment, thinking that nobody would want to hear what I had to say.
Програм хөгжүүлэх хэрэгслийг нилээд оролдсоны эцэстjw2019 jw2019
One hundred years later, family home evening continues to help us build families that will last for eternity.
биднийг илүү шудрага болгоно.LDS LDS
What does this prophecy teach us about God’s Kingdom?
илүү технологи мэддэг болжээ. (Инээд)jw2019 jw2019
God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
тэнд маш их хэмжээний тогтворгүй байдал үүссэн.jw2019 jw2019
7 Having a good spiritual routine provides us with plenty of topics for upbuilding conversations.
дутуу гэдэг ихтэй тэнцэж болно.jw2019 jw2019
Try to demonstrate a Bible study using the Bible Teach book or show the video What Happens at a Bible Study?
Хоёр 7 хоног гаран тэрjw2019 jw2019
It is noteworthy that Ruth did not use only the impersonal title “God,” as many foreigners might; she also used God’s personal name, Jehovah.
самартай M&M-г эхлүүлнэ.jw2019 jw2019
For example, invite the youth to role-play how they could follow the pattern Pablo’s dad used to help a friend or family member live a gospel principle he or she is struggling with.
Өндөр уулс байсан учир амаргүй байлаа.LDS LDS
We are His children, and He wants us to return to His presence as mature, glorified beings capable of becoming like Him (see Moses 1:39).
яригддаггүй бас нэг зүйл болLDS LDS
This should prove comforting to us if we are repentant but are still sorely distressed over our serious errors.
PowerPoint дээр нэгэн илтгэл бэлтгэж байжээ.jw2019 jw2019
After all, gratitude for the depth of the love that God and Christ have shown us compelled us to dedicate our lives to God and become disciples of Christ. —John 3:16; 1 John 4:10, 11.
Энэ миний хамгийн бахархмаар цол,jw2019 jw2019
If we have committed sexual sins, the Lord will forgive us if we truly repent.6 The despair of sin can be replaced with the sweet peace of forgiveness.7
Оролдоод үзмээр байна уу?LDS LDS
“Let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that make public declaration to his name.” —Heb.
илүү олон үхэл бас хөгжлийн бэрхшээлд хүргэдэг.jw2019 jw2019
19 How happy we are to have God’s Word, the Bible, and to use its powerful message to uproot false teachings and reach honesthearted ones!
маш баялаг үгийн сан байдаг.jw2019 jw2019
The scriptures are full of encouragement for us to follow in Christ’s footsteps.
Өдийг хүртэл хүүхдийг тэвчээртэй болгох тухай миний сонссонLDS LDS
201 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.